This indenture made this twenty first day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred Between J. Sim Harris High Sheriff of the County of Pictou in the Province of Nova Scotia of the one part, and John McKay of the other part, witnesseth Whereas on the eleventh day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven recovered judgement in the County Court at Pictou against John Earnest John MacDonald and Robert McLeod for the sum of one hundred and forty four dollars and forty cents each debt or damage and the sum of twenty three dollars fifty five each costs of suit ,which judgement was duly registered in the Registrar of Deeds’ office at Pictou for more than one year, and whereas a write of execution was duly issues upon such judgement and was delivered to the said Sheriff directed to be levied upon the Real Estate of the said John Earnest John McDonald and Robert McLeod for the sum of one hundred and sixty seven dollars and ninety nine cents and the interest form the date of the judgement to the date of the issue of the execution besides Sheriff’s fees, and whereas the said execution was accordingly levied upon the hereinafter described Real Estate of the said John McDonald and after the same was duly advertised for thirty days in the Royal Gazette newspaper and in the “Pictou Advocate” newspaper published at Pictou and for twenty days by hand bill sin the said county the said Real Estate was on the day of the date hereof, it being the day mentioned in such advertisement for such sale, put up at publish auction at the place designed in said advertisement and handbills when after having been exposed for a reasonable time the said Real Estate was knocked down and sold to the aforesaid John McKay for the sum of forty five dollars he being the highest bidder therefor and who then became the purchaser of the same and having applied to the said Sheriff for a deed of the said Real Estate,
Now this indenture witnesseth that the said J. Sim Harris as such Sheriff as aforesaid for an in consideration of the premises and the said sum of forty five dollars to him in hand well and truly paid by the said John McKay his heirs, and assigns, all the right, title, interest, claim, property, and demand of the said John McDonald in the following lot of land.
Bounded on the West by lands owned or occupied by Alexander Sutherland on the north by lands of John McLeod, on the west by lands formerly owned by William McLeod and on the south by lands now or formerly owned by John Adamson, Robert Rae and W. Watters courtway one thousand acres more or less together with all and singular the houses, outhouses, buildings and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining.
TO HAVE and to HOLD the said mentioned or described Real Estate, with all and singular the appurtenances hereby conveyed or intended so to be, unto and to the use of the said John McKay heirs and assigns forever.
In witness whereof, he the said J. Sim Harris has hereto set his seal on the day of the date first above written.
(signed) J. Sim Harris Shariff Pictou County
Signed, Sealed and delivered in the presence of William H. Harris
Pictou County SS
I hereby certify that William Harris subscribing witness to this deed, duly appeared before me, and made oath that the same was signed in his presence by the therein named J. Sim Harris Sheriff of Pictou County.
vault 1b2
File number: | 17D-1814H |
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Tags: | J. Sim Harris, John McKay, High Sheriff, Pictou, John Earnest, John McDonald, Robert McLeod, Royal Gazette, Pictou Advocate, William McLeod, John Adamson, Robert Rae |
Views: | 666 |
Uploaded on: | August 21, 2017 |