Know all men by these presents that Warren L. Johnston of New Glasgow in the County of Pictou nursey man for, and in the consideration of the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars of lawful money of Canada by him due, and owing to John H. Sinclair of New Glasgow Barrister which said sum is secured to be paid to the said John H. Sinclair for two promissory note dated the 5th day of December 1890 payable six and twelve months after date thereof the said John H. Sinclair or order that is to say a note for $50.00 payable six months after date and a note of $200 payable twelve months after said date to the bearing interest at seven percent per annum which said not were made and signed by him the said Warren L. Johnstone and to secure the payment of said note to the said John H. Sinclair and as collateral security thereto do grant bargain, sell, assign, transfer and set over unto the said John Sinclair fronting on Albon street New Glasgow a furmace together with piper, fixtures, and connection the stock or plants consisting of rose bushes, camellias, carnations, ferns, bulbs, Cercopithecus and all other plans or shrubs whatsoever and now contained in or hereafter to be placed in said green house.
TO HAVE and TO Hold the same and every part thereof to him the said John H. Sinclair his executors, administrators and assigns forever so that neither he the said Warren S. Sinclair his executors, administrators and assigns forever so that neither he the said Warren S. Johnston nor any person for him or in his name having any interest in the said goods, chattels, property and effects, or any part or parcel thereof, shall or will claim or demand the same at any time or times hereafter forever.
PROVIDED that if he the said Warren L. Johnstone do well and truly pay unto the said John H. Sinclair his executors, administrators or assigns, the principal and interest due on the promissory notes aforesaid, as soon as the said notes or any of them shall mature and fall due then when said promissory notes and all sums due thereon for principal and interest and costs if any incurred in the collection thereof, shall have been paid, satisfied and discharged, these presents shall be void, otherwise the same shall be and remain in full force and effect
And it is hereby agreed by and between the said Parties hereto that if he said Warren L. Johnstone shall fail to pay the amount due on said notes shall respectively become due and payable, or if during the currency of said notes or after their maturity the grantor shall remove the said goods and chattels hereby conveyed outside of the limits of the county of Pictou without first notifying the said John H. Sinclair and obtaining his consent to such removal, then forthwith it shall be lawful for the said John H. Sinclair his executors, administrators and assigns to enter and take possessions of the said good, chattels, property, and effects and seal and dispose of the same to his own use and to enter the lands, premises and buildings of the said goods, chattels, property and effects without hindrance or disturbance or, from or by the said Warren Johnston.
As witness my hand and seal this 5th day of December 1890
Signed, sealed and executed in presence of ____
(Signed) Warren Johnston
I warren Johnston of New Glasgow in the County of Pictou and Province of Nova Scotia nursey man make oath and say as follows:
Sworn at New Glasgow
In the county of Pictou
This day of December
A.D., 1890 before me
vault 1b2
File number: | 17D-1114J |
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Tags: | Warren Johnston, John H. Sinclair, New Glasgow |
Views: | 459 |
Uploaded on: | August 21, 2017 |