Description James Carmicheal to Earnest Murray

This indenture made this thirty first day of October A.D. 1890 Between James Carmicheal of Fishers Grant in the County of Pictou Yeoman of the one part and Charles Earnest Murray of New Glasgow In the said county merchant of the other part.

Whereas the said Charles Earnest Murray has advanced and agreed to address to the said James Carmicheal value to the amount of three hundred dollars and it has been agreed between the said Charles Earnest Murray and also said James Carmicheal that as the said debt due by the said James Carmicheal unto said Charles Earnest Murray or part thereof maybe paid off and sale paid that the said Charles Earnest Murray well wake advances from time to time in goods supplies or otherwise up toward not succeeding also said sum of three hundred dollars in the discretion of the said Charles Earnest Murray and the said James Carmicheal has agreed to secure the said Charles Earnest Murray for such present debut justice advances by a chalet mortgages of all the goods chalets and assets referred in the schedule here to annexed a mortgage or certain real estate of the said James Carmicheal in favor of the said Charles Earnest Murray having also been executed this day collaborated herewith.

Now this indenture witnesseth that for an in consideration of the premises and of such serve or serves as are now due and owing or may hereafter because due and owing by the said James Carmicheal with the said Charles Earnest Murray for advances or otherwise and to secure the payment of all debt s or claims due and hereafter to b  due by the said James Carmicheal to the said Charles Earnest Murray and as collateral secutro as aforesaid he the said James Carmicheal doth grant bargain, sell, transfer and set over into the said Charles Earnest Murray executors administrators and assigns forever so that weather the said James Carmicheal or any person or persons in his name having any interest in the said goods chalets property and effects shall or will claim or demand the same at any time or times hereafter forever.

Provided that of the said James Carmicheal to well and truly have unto the said Charles Earnest Murray his executors administrators and assigns at any time when requested so to do the sum or sums that may at the date of such request be wise due owing or payable by the said James Carmicheal to the said Charles Earnest Murray with interest at the sale of seven ___ to be conveyed from the date hereof and the respective dates of such advances and all costs charges and expenses which Charles Earnest Carmicheal way lawfully occur collective whereof and do and perform all and singular the things covenanted be done in this indenture these presents shall be otherwise the same shall be and remain in full force and effect and it is hereby covenanted and agreed by and between the parties hereto that if the said James Carmicheal shall pay the said principal and interest as aforesaid or any sum or sums that way become due from him where demanded then forth with it shall be lawful for the said Charles Earnest Murray his executors, administrators, or assigns, to ester with the premises of the said James Carmicheal and take possession of the said goods chalets and effects and all lack of account and after evidence of debt and remise the same and sell and dispose thereof without hindrance or disturbances of from or by the said James Carmicheal or any person or persons  lawfully claiming the same or any part thereof an it is further hereby coveted and agreed by and between the parties hereto that this said chalet mortgage covers and is an encumbrance upon the goods chalets and assets subsequently to be acquired in substation for an in addition to the goods chalets and assets mentioned in said schedule hereto accused. Whereof the party hereto hath hereunto subscribed his hand and seal on the day of the date hereof.

Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of George Patterson


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vault 1b2

File number: 17D-1320C
Contributor:    Amelia English | View all submissions
Tags: James Carmicheal, Fishers Grant, Earnest Murray, New Glasgow
Views: 559
Uploaded on: August 18, 2017

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