Description Samuel Copeland survey note

"Pictou 10th September 1803

Surveyed from James Paterson to Mr. Mortimer one thousand six hundred feet marketable pine boards two [pines?] hardwood thirty three feet, & four [pines?] Pine timber containing five tons and two feet, and three and a half dozen [Hand Spriks?]

Samuel Copeland

Surveyd at Mr. Patterson's [flour?] for Mr. Mortimer one dozen & ten [hand spinks?] also two pieus Pine surveyed at the saw mill & [splurred?] at thirty and the same day of the above, containing one tone and twenty three feet. S. Copeland"

Alternate Details

Part of the Patterson Papers

File Location

Original Material Box # 3

File number: 77-101 020
Contributor:    Susan Parker | View all submissions
Tags: Patterson Papers, James Patterson, Edward Mortimer, Samuel Copeland, note, survey note
Views: 657
Uploaded on: August 13, 2017

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