Description Deed Anna Heighton to Chase McLennan

This indenture made this tenth of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and ninety four between Anna B.S. Heighton of Cape John in the County of Pictou of the first part and Chase McLennan and John U. Mitchell of River John in the county aforesaid of the second part witnessed that the said party of the first part for and in consideration of the  covenants and agreements hereinafter mentioned revised and contained on the part and behalf of the said parties of the second part their executors administrators and assigns to be paid and perform hath granted deceased and let will the said parties of the second their executors administrators and esquires all that certain lot or piece or upland and each situate lying and being on the north shore of Cape John bounded and described as follows.

Beginning at a stake and stone near the name near the boundary line between Anna B.S. Heighton and David Salisbury and running in an eastwardly direction one hundred and fifty yards along land bank of thence thirty eight yards south westerly to a state and stone recovery thence one hundred fifty yards unto a state thence north eastwardly to the part of beginning.

To have and to hold the said above mentioned and described premises with the appurtenances unto the said parties of the second part their executors administrators and assigns from the day of the date of these presents for and delivery and until the full end and lieu of years thence each ensuing and fully to the completed and ended yielding and paying therefore unto the said party of the first part his heirs or assigns yearly and every year during said term hereby greeted the yearly rush or sum of fifteen dollars od lawful money of Canada on the twenty day of August each and every year of said and two days of shells and it is further agreed that the said parties of the second part shall and may during the continuance of this demise, erect such buildings push up such machinery and place all such necessary equipment and said demised premises as may be necessary for successfully carrying on a lobster occupying or the fishing business that the said parties of the second part shall and may during term use and occupy this road from main road along Salisbury line to where seems part have leased for_____ that the said part of the second part shall have the privilege and rights to dig a well on the premises and have the free use of the water form said well for the use of their facility of the said Lease it shall be lawful for the said parties of the second part to be down take and carry away any and all buildings machinery and fixtures which they may have cause to be placed upon the said demise premises during said term at the exertion of the said period of ten years the said party of the first part agrees to seven this devise for a further period of ten years as the said parties of the second part shall or may desire subject to the same conditions and agreements as in this demise reserved confirmed and agreed on and the said parties of the second part of themselves and their hairs, executors and administration do hereby covenant and agree to and with the said party of the first part her heirs and assigns by these presents that the said parties of the second part their executors administrators or assigns shall and will yearly and every year during said term hereby granted well and truly paid or cause to be paid unto the said party of the first part her heirs and assigns the said yearly record on the days and in the manner limited and described aforesaid for the payment thereof within any deductions fraud or delay according to the interest and meaning these presents and obey and fulfil the covenants herein to fore compliance and that on the last day of the said term the said parties of the second part therein executers or assigns shall and will peaceably and yield unto the said party of the first her heirs or assigns all and singular the said deceased in as a good start and conditions as reasonable use thereof will persist.

In witness whereof the said parties to these presents have hereunto their hand and seals subscribed and set the day and year first above written.

Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of Douthwright


File Location

vault 1b2

File number: 17D-1810H
Contributor:    Amelia English | View all submissions
Tags: Anna B.S. Heighton, Chase McLennan, John U. Mitchell, David Sailsbury
Views: 389
Uploaded on: August 12, 2017

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