Description Deed between Alexander Grant Senior and Alexander Grant Junior

This indenture between Alexander Grant Senior of Barneys River in the County of Pictou and Alexander Grant Junior (son to the fore said Alexander Grant Senior) of said place.

Witnesseth that said Alexander Grant Senior in consideration of thirty pounds paid him by said Alexander Grant Junior. Hath bargained and sold by these presents doth bargain and sell to said Alexander Grant Junior, his heirs and assigns all that lot of land situate on the east side of the West Branch of Barneys River bounded as follows on the north by lands granted to Angus McKay and now in the possessions of Malcolm on the east by lands Granted to and in the possession of the foresaid Alexander Grant senior on the south by lands granted to and in the possession of Donald McKay and on the West by the West Branch of said Barneys River containing Sixty seven acres.

To have and to hold the same and every part thereof to the said Alexander Grant his heirs and assigns to his and their use forever

In witnesseth whereof the parties have hereunto past their hands and set their seals this 20th day of May A.D. 1840 Alex Grant Sen

Signed Sealed and Delivered in the presence of

Thomas McKenzie

Daniel Robertson

Received from Alexander Grant Junior the full consideration sum mentioned in the foregoing deed. Alex Grant Sen

Francis McLeod

Francis McLeod one of the subscribing witnesses to the foregoing deed and declares upon oath that he was present and saw the same duly signed sealed and delivered .

Sworn to before me at Barneys River this 21st day of May 1840

Adam McKenzie

File Location

vault 1b2

File number: 17D-1709G
Contributor:    Amelia English | View all submissions
Tags: Alexander Grant Senior, Alexander Grant Junior, Barney's River, Angus McKay, Donald McKay
Views: 570
Uploaded on: August 10, 2017

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