Description 1896 Seed Catalogue

1896 Seed Catalogue

from R. D. Stiles,

St. Lawrence Drug Store, Pictou, N.S.

Dealer in Drugs, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, Fishing and Shooting Supplies, Pocket Cutlery, Smoker's Requistes, Seeds of all Kinds.

Sole Agent for Pictou for B. Laurance's Celebrated Spectacles and Eyeglasses.  The Most Reliable Sight Improvers Known.

Advocate Print, Pictou, N.S.

Small booklet advertising pocket knives, powder, fertilizers, fishing tackle, root beer extract, razors, trusses, seeds in store and by mail order and various ointments and remedies including Stiles' Tar, Rum and Honey with Spruce Gum for coughs.

File number: 2007-027
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: drug store, Stiles, Advocate, Pictou, manure, Bowker Fertilizer Company, Boston, St. Lawrence Drug Store, Stockbridge Manures, farming, farmers, fishing gear, bean seeds, Wardell's Kidney Wax bean seed, Golden Wax bean seed, Black Wax bean seed, Early China Red Eye bean seed, Yellow Six Weeks bean seed, Broad Windsor bean seed, White Marrow bean seed, White Pea bean seed, White Wax bean seed, White Kidney bean seed, Indian Chief pole beans, Asparagus pole beans, Scarlet Runner pole beans, White Runner pole beans, Painted Lady Runner pole beans, Horticultural pole beans, Dutch Caseknife pole beans, beets, Early Egyptian Turnip, Extra Early Blood Turnip, Long Red Blood, Evan's Medium Long Red, Large Late Drumhead Cabbage seed, Early York Cabbage seed, Winningstadt cabbage seed, Flat Dutch cabbage seed, Fottler's Drumhead cabbage seed, Marblehead Mammoth cabbage seed, Sugar Loaf cabbage seed, Large Brunswick cabbage seed, short-green cucumber seed, white spine cucumber seed, early cluster cucumber seed, long green cucumber seed, Hanson lettuce, Prize Head lettuce, White Batavian lettuce seed, Victoria Red Edged lettuce seed, Drumhead lettuce seed, Cory's Early Sweet corn seed, Early Yellow Canada corn seed, Corn Fodder, White Tree corn seed, Red Cob corn seed, Yorkshire Hero pea seeds, Champion of England pea seed, Daniel O'Rourke pea seed, White Marrowfat pea seed, Bliss' Everbearing pea seed, Telephone pea seed, field pea seed, Black Eyed Marrow Fat pea seed, Golden Vine pea seed, dwarf pea seed, Blue Peter pea seed, Bliss' American Wonder pea seed, McLean's Little Gem pea seed, McLean's Premium Gem pea seed, carrot seed, Danver Half Long carrot seed, Long Orange Carrot seed, White Belgian carrot seed, Half Long Nantes carrot seed, Improved Short White Yosges carrot seed, curled parsley seed, sage seed, thyme seed, sweet majoran seed, summer savory seed, herb seed, mangel wurzel seed, long red mammoth seed, red globe seed, yellow globe seed, yellow globe Danvers onion seed, large red Wethersfield onion seed, Silver skin onion seed, shallot seed, potato onion seed, Long Hallow Crown parsnip seed, student parsnip seed, Canada Field pumpkin seed, Large Cheese pumpkin seed, Long Scarlet radish seed, Red Turnip radish seed, French Breakfast radish seed, Extra Early Olive Shaped radish seed, Boston Marrow squash seed, Improved Hubbard squash seed, Marblehead squash seed, Vegetable Marrow squash seed, Mikado Tomato seed, Trophy tomato seed, Canada Victor tomato seed, Acme tomato seed, Sutton's Champion Purple Top Swede turnip seed, Yellow Aberdeen turnip seed, White Globe turnip seed, lawn grass seed, Timothy grass seed, Vermont Red Clover seed, Choice White Clover seed, N. B. Orchard Grass seed, Red grass seed, Brown Top grass seed, Blue grass seed, Emulsion of Cold Liver Oil, Iron Tonic Bitters, Sarsaparilla, Condition Powders, Dandruff Remedy, Iron Blood Pills, Healing Ointment, flower seeds, Alsike Clover seed
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