Description The Bee, May 25, 1836

The Bee

Pictou, N.S. Wednesday Morning, May 25, 1836

Front page: Pictou Prices Current; Millenary & Dress Making Business; Schooner Grey Hound from New York with tar, pitch, rosin and tobacco; looking for private tutor; Eric Jansen A Tale of the Twelfth Century.

Page 2: letter to Mr Dawson from James Ross and David Matheson re passed resolutions of the Alumni of the Pictou Academy; minutes of meeting of the Alumni of the Pictou Academy on 3 May, 1836.

Page 3: from the New Orleans Bulletin re Texas War for Independence; letters from Samuel Houston, Commander-In-Chief; news from Texas

Page 4: Practical Observations on the State of Agriculture in Nova Scotia, and The Means of its Improvement - Implements of Husbandry written by "Old Rusticus"; excerpt from the New York Farmer Ploughing In A Green Crop; Notice of new business by John Russell; John Geddie, clock and watchmaking ad; Supreme Court case between William G. Cohran, plaintiff vs Edward Meagher, defendant; Notice re William McDonald of Barney's River, Merigomish; cordage for sale by Ross & Primrose

Page 5:  Duncan Gordon of Middle River deceased; John Gordon of Scotch Hill deceased; Hugh Denoon, Esq. of Pictou deceased; Robert Brown, blacksmith of Middle River deceased; Jessey Logie of Pictou deceased; add for seeds by J D B Fraser; house and garden for sale or let George Street presently occupied by A D Gordon; Andrew Lauders 400 acre farm for sale in Little Harbour; wanted by James Dawson field peas, Timothy seed and country flour; shoe blacking for sale; notice of change of location by W & Ives; notice of accounts due to Robert Robertson; notice of dissolution of partnership of James Carmichael & Co.; shop and dwelling for rent currently occupied by J Romans; spruce and pine for sale at Antigonish Harbour; Edward Patterson property for sale with description; William Mortimer, deceased, final debts to be paid notice; copies of The Complete Farmer and Rural Economist for sale; hiring ship-wrights, joiners and labourers; public aution for all the real estate of William Mortimer includes house, stores, and lots in Pictou, Cariboo Island, Middle River, Mount Thom, River John, Tatamagouche, New Annan, West River

Page 6: Lima, Peru; excerpt from the Richmond Compiler regarding the "Florida War"; description of steamship Duchess of Sutherland; war in Texas; parliament prorogued in Upper Canada; Dr Gesner from Parrsboro will deliver a lecture; tenders being accepted form repairs to Arisaig pier; the court house and jail in Annapolis destroyed by fire; Arisaig school examinations; donations for building a Catholic church in Pugwash, large donations given by Isaac Ladd and Napier Fursner; request for subscripton list for the Harmonicon, during the past week people staying at Mrs Davison's - Messrs Clark, Walker, McDonald, Davis, Coston, Conroy, McCormick, Mr and Mrs Hadley, at the Royal Oak -  Dr. Gesner, Messrs Stewart, McDonald, Brenan and Grant, at Lorrains - Messrs Scott, Wilson, Smith and Heatherton; death notice of Lieutenant Col. Mair, Governor of Greneda, death notice of James Ratchford of Parrsborough

Page 7: Ship arriving on Thursday were the brig Garland from Liverpool, schooner Elizabeth from Prince Edward Island, on Friday were brig Jean Dunn from Sutherland, shallop Partridge from Crow Harbour, on Saturday the brig Stephen from Newcastle and on Monday the brig Plutus from Boston, Citizen from Newburyport, shallop Lucy from Halifax, brig Halifax from Halifax, ship Henry Leeds from Boston, ship Charlotte from New York, ship Ann Grant form Greenock and the schooner Oracle from Halifax. Ship cleared on Thursday were the brig Mary Silsby of Boston, schooner Dispatch of Prince Edward Island, schooner Manly from Halifax. On Saturday the brig Robert Burns of London, sloop Sarah from Wallace, and on Monday the schooner Rapid of Boston. Other ship news the battle ship Melville arrived in Bermuda and is expected shortly in Halifax.  The HMS Rainbow will cruize the coast of New Foundland and the HMS Wanderer the Bay of Fundy for the summer.  The Champion sailed for the Guld of St. Lawrence several weeks prior.  The whale ship Margaret Rait from the Cape of Good Hope arrived at St. John, New Brunswick.  For sale just arrived on the Garland from Liverpool - iron, cables, cordage, hemp cables, canvass, nets, line, twine, etc and anchors, chain cahles, 1 caplin seiine. Notice to public that Mary McDonald, wife of Donald McDonald has left his house and not to give her credit. Notice by Alexander Logan not to accept notes payable to Roderick Johnston. Various bills of exhange for sale. Notice of performance by Mr. Muter at the Masonic Hall with warning to boys against listening at windows or in Mr Lorrain's garden as a special police will be on duty. Wanted, bookbinder with references.  Assorted maps and charts for sale by James Dawson. An Analysis of the Criminal and Penal Laws to be published once enough orders are placed.  Leather for sale. Supreme Court case between William G. Cochran, plaintiff versus David Rogers, defendent.  For rent, the boarding house currently occupied by Mrs. Johnston.  Eastern Stage Coach schedule from Pictou and Halifax with rules, accommodations and rates. Nails for sale.

Page 8: Poem from the Scotsman titled Lines. Miscellany. Advice to Apprentices. The Railway Parliament. Advice on Carpeting stairs. Mr. Ferguson's collie dog is churning milk.  Loitering. Piece on the better type of wife. Piece on the cause of steam boat accidents.  Note re George IV and honesty. 

File number: 00-323-1
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: James Dawson, advertising, prices, apples, pine boards, beef, butter, hemlock, butter, cheese, coal, vegetables, fish, flour, eggs, corn, coffee, Munro, dress making, George Smith, teacher, Eric Jansen, twelfth century, James Ross, David Matheson, Pictou Academy Alumni, grammar school, Rev. Hugh Ross, Rev. J Waddell, Rev. Angus McGilvray, Sir James Kempt, Dr. McCulloch, moral philosophy, natural philosophy, Pictou Academy, New Orleans Bulletin, Goliad, Copano, Hadden, Texas, Levant, General Gaines, Sabine, Brasos, Colonel James Fannin, Alamo, Army of the Republic of Texas, Mexico, executions, Groces, cavalry, infantry, Captain Brown, Bayou St. Bernard, San Felipe, General Sam Houston Commander-In-Chief, San Felive, Nacogdoches, Fort Jessup, General T T Mason, A. Irvine, Sabine, Caddoes, Texas War for Independence, Quitman, schooner Invincible, Colorado River, Major Baker, schooner William, schooner Francis, Matagorda, schooner Pennsylvania, ship Brutus, Dr. Harrison, Brasos Santiago, schooner Montezuma, agriculture, plough, double harrows, drills, hoe, The New York Farmer, John Russell, John Geddie, clockmaker, William G Cochran, Edward Meagher, John Patterson, Mrs Thain, default on mortgage, Supreme Court, J J Sawyer, Charles Twinning, William McDonald of Barneys River, John Gordon, Duncan Gordon, Hugh Denoon, Catherine Denoon, James Primrose, Robert Brown, Robert Brown of Middle River, Margaret Brown, Thomas Kerr, Thomas McCoul, Jessey Logie, Peter Donaldson, James D B Fraser, flower and garden seeds, Hockins Brewery, A D Gordon, Abram Patterson, Andrew Lauder, Little Harbour, shoe blacking ad, W & J Ives ad, Robert Robertson, James Carmichael, John M'Kenzie, John McKenzie, J Romans, public auction ad, Edward Patterson, land auction, Dickson, Blanchard, William Mortimer, Martin J Wilkins, job ad, public auction notice, Lima, Peru, civil war, Salaverry, Felipe Santaigo Salaverry del Solar, Andres de Santa Cruz, Col Fernandini, Col Picoaga, Col Moya, Col Carderuas, firing squad, execution, General Orbegoso, Baltimore Gazette, barque Silas E Burrows, schooner Olive, Osceola, General Scott, Fort Drane, steam ship Duchess of Sutherland, Upper Canada, Sir F B Head, prorogued Parliament, Dr Gesner, Arisaig, pugwash chapel, Lieutenant Col Mair, James Ratchford, Brig Garland, schooner Elizabeth, brig Jean Dun, schooner Lady, shallop Partridge, brig Stephen, brig Plutus, shallop Lucy, brig Halifax, ship Henry Leeds, Swedish ship Charlotte, ship Ann Grant, James Marshall, Donald Marshall, William McConnell, Alexander Logan, John McKeel, McKeil, William Rankin, Murdoch McLean, Thomas Harris Junior, John Porter, James Porter, William Porter, Samuel Archibald, Harris, Mrs Mooring
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