Description James Fraser Paige

James Fraser Paige

Born 13 December 1873; died 16 February 1942

James Fraser was born to Catherine Cameron Fraser, a widow who married Captain James S Paige in Durham on 13 April 1878. Captain James then adopted James. 

James Frasers mother Catherine was the daughter of Colin Cameron and Mary Walsh.  Catherine was born 12 July 1855 and died 18 July 1934. 

The Paige family lived on what was originally Alexander Camerons property the on Loch Broom Road. Captain James and Catherines children were James F, Janet B, Duncan, Thomson, Colin, Maud and Alexander Cameron.

James Fraser Paige married May Murray of Truro. Their children were Emeline Katherine Paige and James Murray Fraser Paige. 

File number: 81-58-4
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: 19-123, Fraser family, Lovat, Middle River, Alexander Fraser, family tree, ship Hector, shipbuilding, Campbell, Paige, Murray, May Murray Paige
Views: 591
Uploaded on: August 2, 2017
Source: Emeline K Paige

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