Description Deed James Fraser to Alexander Campbell

To all whom these presents shall come:

I James W. Fraser of Scotsburn in the county of Pictou and province of Nova Scotia minister of the gospel

Send greeting, Whereas in and by a certain indenture of Mortgage, bearing date the sixteenth day of July A.D. 1885 and duly registered in the Registry of Deeds, at Pictou in Liber 85 Folio and made between Alexander M. Campbell of Scotsburn in the County of Pictou and Province of Nova Scotia blacksmith of the some part, and James W. Fraser of the same minister of the gospel of the other part, the said Alexander M. Campbell did, subject to a proviso for the redemption thereof in the said Indenture contained convey and confirm to the said James W. Fraser, his heirs and assigns , certain lands and premises, situated at Scotsburn aforesaid and in said Indenture more fully described to secure the repayment of the sum of six hundred dollar of lawful money of Canada, with interest, in manner and form and at the times set forth in said Indenture and whereas Alexander M. Campbell has fully paid off and satisfied the said mortgage and the principal and interest due thereon and has requested a release of the same.

Now know, that he the said James W. Fraser for and in consideration of the premises and of the sum of one dollar to him in hand well and truly paid by the said Alexander M. Campbell at or before ensealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, released, remised, discharged and forever quitted claim to and by these presents doth, grant, release, remise, discharge, and forever quit claim to as well the said mortgage, and the BOND given therewith, and the sum thereby secured and all interest due thereon together with the said premises, and all and singular the appurtenances thereof, and all the estate, right title, interest, claim, property and demand whatsoever both at law and in equity of him the said James W. Fraser under and by virtue of the said mortgage.

To have and to hold the said lot of land and premises with all and singular the appurtenances to the said Alexander M. Campbell his heirs and assigns, to them behoof forever, absolutely acquitted, discharged and released of and from the said in part recited Indenture of mortgage and the sum of money thereby secured.

In witness whereof, the party to these presents has hereunto his hand and seal subscribed and set this twenty eight day of April A.D. 1891.


Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of John Ferguson


File Location

vault 1b2

File number: 17D-1617F
Contributor:    Amelia English | View all submissions
Tags: James W. Fraser, Alexander Campbell, Pictou
Views: 519
Uploaded on: July 30, 2017

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