Description Release of Possession John Campbell to Barnibiss MacKowen

This indenture made at Merigomish this second day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty nine between John Campbell sent of Merigomish farmer of the one part Barnibiss MacKowen of said Merigomish and province of Nova Scotia farmer of the other part.  Witnessed that the said John Campbell sent for an in consideration of the sum thirty seen pounds of current money of the province aforesaid to him in hand paid at or before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hath granted, bargained sold, released, remised and confirmed unto the said Barnibiss MacKowen his heirs and assigns. All that certain to or piece of land situate lying and being in the governs grant at Merigomish and described as follows Bounded on the North by the lands of James Duggan, on the west by the lands of James Shae, on the South by the lands of James Crerar and lately in the possession of James Potluck and on the east by lands now in possession of John Campbell, containing one hundred acres more or less, To have and to hold the said described lot of land and all the claim right, title, interest, and demand of him the said John Campbell sent in hand to the same by virtue of a purchase from one James Shae on by virtue of his own possession or otherwise to Barnibiss MacKowen his Heirs and assigns to his their own proper use and behoof forever- And the said John Campbell sent for himself his heirs and assigns by these presents Doth warrant and defend to the said Barnibiss MacKowen his heirs and assigns, the title to the before described property either at low or in equity.

In witness whereof the party to these presents have hereto his hand and seal the subscribing and set of Merigomish the day and year first above written.

(signed) John Campbell



File Location

vault 1b2

File number: 17D-1316C
Contributor:    Amelia English | View all submissions
Tags: Barnibiss MacKowen, John Campbell, Merigomish, James Shae, James Duggan
Views: 525
Uploaded on: July 28, 2017

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