Description Deed John Chisholm to Alexander Chisholm

To Peter Crerar Esquire Deputy Registrar of Deeds for the County of Pictou

Whereas Alexander Chisholm of the Fresh Pools East River of Pictou in the County of Pictou for the security of the sum of five hundred pounds of carful money of Nova Scotia and for the fulfilment of a certain bond between the said Alexander Chisholm and one John Chisholm did by a certain Indenture under the hand and seal of him the said Alexander Chisholm learning date the twentieth day of March in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and thirty nine mortgage to the said John Chisholm lot of land at the East River bounded as follows beginning at a stake bearing on the corner line of a certain Hugh MacKay and thirty three feet from the centre of the main road from thence that along said MacKay’s line three hundred and thirty nine rods to Donald Cameron’s land thence along said Cameron’s line hath forty rods to said Cameron’s upper side line thence east on a parallel course with the west side line three hundred and seventy Rods or until it comes to thirty three feet from the centre of the main road, thence south westerly along said road sixty rod to the place of beginning containing eighty seven acres more or less, which said indenture of mortgage was duly Registered by him the said Peter Crerar Esquire on the twenty seventh day of March in the year aforesaid  ___ twenty two ___ one hundred and seventy appears now certified there as until.

And whereas the Alexander Chisholm hath discharge his ____ to the land bonds and also his _____ under the consideration and promise contained in said Mortgage to my future satisfaction and hath regulated me the said John Chisholm in release and discharge the same now I the said John Chisholm do certify the same to in the said Registrar to whom these personal are deducted and required to cause this certificate to the registered in conformity with the deductions of the statutes in such cause made and premise.

In witness whereof I the said John Chisholm have hereunto my hand and seal subscribed and set this twenty third day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty.

(signed) John Chisholm

Signed, sealed, and delivered in the presence of Finley Cameron

I do certify that on the seventeenth day of June 1851 Finlay Cameron a subscribing witness to the foregoing instrument personally appeared before me and made oath that be was present at and witnessed the execution of the same by John Chisholm the party thereto sworn to at Pictou Before me.

(signed) James Fraser

File number: 17D-1315C
Contributor:    Amelia English | View all submissions
Tags: Alexander Chisholm, John Chisholm, East River, Hugh McKay, Donald Cameron
Views: 650
Uploaded on: July 28, 2017

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