Description Deed Murdock James to Alexander James

This indenture made this ninth day of November in the Year of Our Lord one Thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty two, between Murdock James of Four Mile Brook in the County of Pictou, of the one part, and Alexander James of said Four Mile Brook in the same County, of the other part, witnesseth that the said Murdock James for an in consideration of the sum of four pounds currency to him in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hath granted, bargained, sold released, aliened and confirmed, and by these presents doth grant, bargain, sell, release, alien and confirm unto the said Alexander James his heirs and Assigns, all that Lot of Land, with the Appurtenances, situate, lying and being at four mile brook bounded and described as follows, that is to say all that part of his lot or farm lying on the south east of the public road containing five acres more or less.

To have and to hold the said lot of land with the appurtenances, to the said Alexander James his heirs and Assigns, to his and their sole use forever. IN WITNESS whereof the parties have hereunto their hands and seals subscribed and set the day and year first aforesaid.

 Signed, sealed and delivered,

In the presence of us,

Peter Crerar and Robert Henderson

Received from Alexander James the sum of Five pounds being the consideration money in the forgoing indenture mention.

Witness Murdock James

File Location

vault 1b2

File number: 17D-1112J
Contributor:    Amelia English | View all submissions
Tags: Murdock James, Alexander James
Views: 453
Uploaded on: July 27, 2017

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