Description Release of Mortgage and Judgement of Crerar & Copland to Sutherland

This indenture made the eight day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty two, Between James Crerar of Merigomish in the County of Pictou Merchant and William Copland of the same place Blacksmith of the one part and William Sutherland of the same place yeoman of the other part whereas by a certain Indenture of Mortgage made by and between the parties above named bearing date the twenty third day of April in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty eight the said William Sutherland proud in consideration of the sum of forty seven pounds did grant and convey in Mortgage to the said Hames Crerar and William Copland their heirs and assigns all that certain tract of land situate lying and being in Merigomish aforesaid bounded on the East by lands belonging to the John Sutherland at the south by a part of Sir John Wentworth his Grant on the west by lands belonging to Duncan McCrae and on the North by what is commonly called Sutherlands River containing by situation seventy five acres more or less with the appurtenances, and whereas by such in her Majesty’s supreme court by action of judgement was recovered in October last for the sum of eighty pounds together with nine pounds eighteen shillings for cost of such marking in all eighty nine pounds eighteen shillings and whereas there is now justly due for Principal justor and costs the sum of ninety six pounds nine shillings and six pounds. Now this indenture witness that for an in consideration of the last mentioned sum to the said James Crerar and William Copland paid by the said William Sutherland the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged they said James Crerar and William Copland Have and each of them released acquitted and discharged and by these presents do and each of them doth remise  acquitted and discharge unto the said William Sutherland his heirs executors and administrators the said Indenture of mortgage and all monies debts covenants damages and demands due suffered or acquitted thereby together with the judgement aforesaid and all monies interest and cost due or secured thereby, and the said James Crerar and William Copland for the consideration aforesaid do hereby remise release released quit claim and discharge unto the said William Sutherland his heirs and assigns the mortgaged lands and premises herein before described with the appurtenances to have and to hold the same to the said William Sutherland his heirs and assigns as of his first or forever estate therein freely and fully discharged of all claim and demand under or by virtue of the said Indenture of Mortgage or Judgement.

In witness whereof the parties to these presents have hereto heir lands and seals subscribed and set the day and year first above written.

Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of M. MacGregor and Samuel Simpson

Received in the day of the day of the foregoing Release from William Sutherland therein named the sum of ninety six pounds nine shillings in the full consideration

(signed) James Cameron and William Copland

Witness M. MacGregor and Samuel Simpson

This day personally appeared before me Copland and esquire and of his majesty’s justices of the peace for the county of Pictou William Crerar a subscribing witness to the foregoing deed, who being duly sworn dispose that he was personally present and said the above release duly executed.

Sworn at Merigonish

This 1st day of April A.D. 1832

Before me Rob Copland

File Location

vault 1b2

File number: 17D-1313C
Contributor:    Amelia English | View all submissions
Tags: James Crerar, William Copland, William Sutherland
Views: 636
Uploaded on: July 26, 2017

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