Description Deed Alex Gordon to Donald McKay

This indenture made this fourteenth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand and eight hundred and thirty two, between Alexander Gordon of Fishers Grant in the district of Pictou, County of Halifax and provinces of Nova Scotia farmer of the one part and Donald McKay of Pictou district and county aforesaid, yeoman of the other part. Witness that these Alexander Gordon for and in consideration of the sum of fifty pounds lawful money of Nova Scotia to him in hand will and truly paid, by the said Donald McKay, the Receipt of which is hereby acknowledged hath, granted, sold, and enfeoffed and by these present doth hereby grant sell and enfeoff unto the said Donald McKay his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns all that certain piece, parcel or lot of land, situate laying and being at fisher Grant in the district and county aforesaid abutted and abounded as follows. Beginning at a stake and stone on the west side of Francis Carmichael southmost him from thence to sim in south east direction on half mile more or less to the front of Donald McKenzie’s land, thence along seventeen roads to a stake and stones at the boundary of lands owned and occupied by the said Alex Gordons, thence along said Alex Gordon Southmost line one half mile to a stake and stones thence seventeen roast westerly to a place of beginning; contain in the whole eighteen acres more or less, with all and singular the house, out house, barns, ways, easements, watercourses, and waterfall unto him the said Donald McKay his heirs executors administrators and assigns forever and to grant the said Donald McKay his heirs executors and assigns against the lawful claims of any other person or persons of persons claiming under the said Alexander Gordon either at law or equity and the said Alex Gordon Reserving to himself the house and barn on said lot wherein he now resides during the remainder of his natural lifetime.

In witness whereof both parties have set their hands and seals at Pictou the day and year first written above.

(signed) Alexander Gordon

Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of James Grant

Received this day and year written above the sum of fifty pounds currency being the full consideration money of the within indenture.

Witness James Grant

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vault 1b2

File number: 17D-1703G
Contributor:    Amelia English | View all submissions
Tags: Alexander Gordon, Donald McKay
Views: 525
Uploaded on: July 24, 2017

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