Finlay McIntosh
Duncan Cruickshank
Province of Nova Scotia} Reigstrars office Pictou 3rd October 1856 I certify that the within instrument was registered at 5 o'clock PM of the above day in Liber 42 folio 553 on the certificate of Duncan McDonald JP pursuant to law
J. Crerar Deputy Registrar
This Indenture made between Finley McIntosh of East Branch of the East River County of Pictou and province of Novascotia of the one part yeoman and Duncan Cruickshanks of the same place yeoman witnesseth that the said Finlay McIntosh for and in consideration of the sum of twenty five pounds paid from him by the said Duncan Cruickshanks hath bargained and sold and by these presents doth bargain and sell to him the said Duncan Cruickshanks his heirs and assigns all that lot of land situate at said East Branch East River and butted and bounded as follows viz on the north by lands belonging to a certain William McIntosh on the west by lands belonging to a certain Peter Cruickshanks on the south by ungranted lands and on the east by lands belonging to a certain John McDonald containing in all sixty acres more or less To have and to hold the same to him the said Duncan Cruickshanks his heirs and assigns to his and their proper use and behoof forever In witness whereof the said Finley McIntosh and Catherine his wife in token of her relinquishment of dower to the above described menrises hath set their hands and seals this eleventh day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty six
Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of us William Ross [signature]} Finley McIntosh [signature] Cathrin McIntosh [her mark]
Received from Duncan Cruickshanks the full consideration in the foregoing deed within
Witness William Ross [signature] Finley McIntosh [signature]
Personally appeared before me one of her Majestys Justices of the Peace for the County of Pictou the undersigned who testified on oath that he saw the foregoing deed duly executed
Sworn to at East Branch this 11th day of September 1856 before the me Duncan McDonald J.P.} William Ross [signature]
Personally appeared before me one of her Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the County of Pictou Cathrin wife of the within named Finley McIntosh who being by me examined seperate and apart from him said husband acknowledged that she without and convulsion from her husband signed the foregoing deed of her own free will and accord
Duncan McDonald J.P. [signature]
vault, 1b2
File number: | 17D-1144M |
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Tags: | Duncan McDonald Justice of the Peace, Duncan McDonald, Finlay McIntosh, Finlay MacIntosh, Finley MacIntosh, Catherine McIntosh, Catherine MacIntosh, William Ross, Peter Cruickshank, Peter Cruickshanks, Duncan Cruickshanks, Cathrin McIntosh, William McIntosh, John McDonald, John MacDonald |
Views: | 657 |
Uploaded on: | July 18, 2017 |