Alexander McFarlane & Wife
Donald McKenzie
Province of Nova Scotia} Registrars office Pictou 16th March 1841 I do certify that the within Instrument was Registrared at ten o'clock a.m. of the above day in Liber 26 Folio 288 on the oath of Willliam Romans a subscribing witness thereto pursuant to Law
Peter Crerar Deputy Registrar
This Indenture made the Twenty fifth day of November in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight hundred and forty one, Between Alexander McFarlane of Pictou in the Provice of Nova Scotia and Jessie McFarlane his wife of the one part, and Donald McKenzie of the same place of the other part, Witnesseth that the said Alexander McFarlane for and in consideration of the sum of One hundred and fifteen pounds of lawful money of the Province of Nova Scotia, to him in hand, well and truly paid by the said Donald McKenzie, at or before the ensealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, Have and each of them Hath granted, bargained, sold, aliened, enfeoffed, released and confirmed, and by these presents, Do and each of them, Doth grant, bargain, sell, aliene, enfeoff, release and confirm unto the said Donald McKenzie, his heirs and assigns, All that certain tract, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the west side of Carriboo Island being the Western part of a tract of land granted to one Philip Marchington, abutted and bounded as follows towit, bounded in the north by the Gulf of Saint Lawrence, on the south by Carriboo Harbour, on the east by the remainder of the said lot granted by government to the said Philip Marchington and in the west by a part of the great Cariboo Island, containing in the whole one hundred acres, more or less and being the same lot purchased by the said Alexander McFarlane, from the executors of Philip Marchington by deed bearing date the twentieth day of March, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and thirty five reference being thereunto had will fully appear together with all and singular the houses, outhouses, buildings, ways, easements, profits, commodities, hereditaments and appurtenances, whatsoever to the same belonging or in anywise assertaining and the reversion and reversions remainders and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof, and also all the estate, right, title, interest, claim property and demand of the said Alexander McFarlane in, to, and out of the said lot and premises and every part thereof with the appurtenances thereof unto the said Donald McKenzie his heirs and assigns forever. And the said Alexander McFarlane, doth by these presents, grant, covenant, promise and agee to and with the said Donlad McKenzie, his heirs and assigns, in manner and form following, that is to say, that he the said Donald McKenzie, hath good and rightfull power and lawful and absolute authority to grant, bargain, sell and convey the said lot of land and premises with the appurtenances unto the said Donald McKenzie his heirs and assigns to his only proper use benefit and behoof forever, according to the true intent and meaning of these presents and that he the same unto the said Donald McKenzie his heirs and assigns will warrant maintain and forever defend by these presents, in witness whereof the parties hereto, have subscribed and affixed their hands and seals the day and year before written.
Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of W Romans [signature] Murdock M'Donald [signature]} Alexander McFarlan [signature] Jessie McFarlane [her mark]
£150·0·0 Received on the day of the date of the foregoing indenture form the therein named Donald McKenzie the sum of one hundred and fifteen pounds, being the consideration therein mentioned to be paid by him to me. Witness W Romans [signature] Murdock M'Donald [signature]
Alexander McFarlane [signature]
On this 25th day of November in the year of our lord, one thousand eight hundred and forty one before me the subscriber one of her Majestys Justices of the Peace for the County of Pictou, personally came and appeared Jessie McFarlane wife of Alexander McFarlane, named in the foregoing indenture, who being by me examined separate and apart from her said husband, delcared and acknowledged, that she executed the same, for the purposes wherein mentioned without force or compulsion from her said husband.
Henry Hatton J.P. [signature]
vault, 1b2
File number: | 17D-1146M |
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Tags: | , property, sale, agreement, Donald MacKenzie, Jessie MacFarlane, Alexander MacFarlane, Caribou Island, Cariboo Island, Murdoch McDonald, Murdock McDonald, Murdoch MacDonald |
Views: | 665 |
Uploaded on: | July 15, 2017 |