Description George McLeod, 1838

In the Supreme Court at Pictou June Term 1838

George McLeod


William Patton} copy of Judgement and Certificate fo Registry

Dated 20th July 1838

Province of Nova Scotia} Registrars office Pictou 21st July 1838 I do certify That the within Instrument was Registered at 4 o'clock P.M. of the above Day in Liber 21 Folio 325 on the Certificate of James Skinnner Deputy Prothonotary Pursuant to Law

Peter Crerar Deputy Registrar

Pictou Ss. Entries In the Supreme Court at Pictou June Term 1838

H. Blackadar, Attorney of Plaintiff

Cause — George McLeod - Plaintiff & William Patton - Defendant

Confession by plea on Indebitatus Assumssit between the said George McLeod and the said William Patton as well for the sum of Twenty Seven Pounds and Sixteen Shillings damages and costs of suit.  Therefore it is considered that the said George McLeod Do recover against the said William Patton his damages aforesaid of Twenty Seven pounds and Sixteen shillings And also the sum of Six pounds eleven shillings and four pense for his costs of suit Amounting in the whole to the sum of Thirty four pounds seven shillings and four pence And the said William Patton in money re [received]

Signed W. B. Bliss

22nd June 1838

I James Skinner Deputy Prothonotary of Her Majesty's Supreme Court of Judicature for the County of Pictou in the Province of Nova Scotia Do hereby certify unto all whom it doth or may concern that this foregoing is a true and correct extract and copy of the original Docket of Judgment in the cause of George McLeod against William Patton extered upon the Docket Book of Judgments of Her Majesty's Supreme Court at Pictou in the Province aforesaid Liber 5 Folio 34 which Judgment was duly entered Docketted and Signed by the Honourable William B. Bliss one of the aforesaid Justices of the said Supreme Court on the twenty second say of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty eight for the sum of thirty four pounds seven shillings and for pence debt and costs of suit as of the term of June in the year last aforesaid

Given under my hand and the Seal of the said Supreme Court at Pictou this Twentieth day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty eight

James Skinner Deputy Registrar [signature]

File Location

vault, 1b2

File number: 17D-1147M
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: fine, decision, complaint, George MacLeod, William Patton, Blackadar, William Bliss, James Skinner, judgment
Views: 626
Uploaded on: July 15, 2017

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