Description Johnathan Blanchard

Johnathan Blanchard



George Harris


Registered at Pictou pursuant to the Laws of the Province Lib. 8 Fol. 209 on the oath of John Pearson – 5th March 1821.

Hugh Duncan Deputy Registrar


Know all men by these presents that I Johnathan Blanchard of Pictou in the County of Halifax and Province of Nova Scotia saddler am held and firmly bound unto George Harris of Miramichi in the County of Northumberland (joined) in the sum of one thousand pounds of Lawful money of Nova Scotia for which payment well and truly to be made I bind myself my heirs Executors and administrators firmly by these present sealed with my seal and dated at Pictou this tenth day of June one thousand eight hundred and nineteen

Now the condition of the above obligation is such that if the said Johnathan Blanchard his heirs, executors or administrators shall make and execute to the said George Harris his heirs or assigns a good and sufficient deed of a certain piece of land on the north end of his farm where he now lives that is to say twenty eight rods (ds -) ¼ wide on the front and (reaching) the same course of Joseph Richards line to the back end of the lot containing seventy five acres more or less and also to (erect) and build a house thirty feet long and twenty five feet wide and to board shingle and clabboard the same to put in twelve window frames and sills and to paint and glass the same the paint to be white then the above obligation to be void other way to remain in full force and effort.

Signed Sealed and Delivered in presents of John Pearson} Johnathan Blanchard

It is understood that house to be completed on or before the fifth of December and the deed to be given or the payment of the first note as I have received five notes of one hundred pounds each Pictou 10 June 1819

John Pearson     Johnathan Blanchard

File Location

vault, 1b2

File number: 17D-1201B
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: Jotham Blanchard, home, build, agreement, construction, structure
Views: 654
Uploaded on: July 13, 2017

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