To Peter Crerar Deputy Registrar of Deeds for the County of Pictou in the Province of Nova Scotia.
Whereas John MacDougall of Merigomish in the County of Pictou Gentleman and Jane MacDougall his wife by a certain Indenture of Mortgage bearing date the seventeenth day of April in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty Five for the consideration of the sum of One Hundred and twenty three pounds of lawful money of the Province aforesaid to them in hand paid by James Purvis of Pictou in the County of Pictou Merchant did grant bargain sell enfeoff release and confirm unto the said James Purvis his heirs and forever All the certain Lot piece or parcel of Land situate lying and being at Merigomish in the County of Pictou abutted and bounded as follows viz on the south by the Post Road leading from Pictou to Antigonish North by the Gulf Shore, on the East by lands owned by William Mortimer Esquire and on the West by lands belonging to Gregor McGregor and others containing One hundred acres more or less Also all that certain other lot piece or parcel of land Beginning at the South West angle of a lot of land granted to a certain John Goult on the East side line of Alexander Robertsons land Thence East twenty eight chains. Thence South twenty chains, Thence West twenty-eight chains, Thence North twenty chains to the place of beginning containing fifty acres be the same more or less with all houses buildings, improvements, ways, waters, watercourses, privileges, profits, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto appertaining or belonging. With a Promise that if the said John McDougall his heirs executors administrators or assigns should well and truly pay or cause to be paid to the said James Purvis his heirs Executors administrators or assigns the aforesaid sum of one hundred and twenty three pounds of lawful money of Nova Scotia with lawful interest as the same was secured to be paid by a certain bond or obligation bearing even date with the said indenture of Mortgage then the said Indenture of Mortgage and the Estate and Interest therein granted was to cease and become absolutely null and void to all intents and purposes whatsoever. Now these presents witness that the said James Purvis for and in consideration of the sum of one Hundred and thirty nine pounds one shilling and five pence of lawful money of the Province of Nova Scotia to me in hand paid by the said John McDougall at or before the ensealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and which is in full for the principle and Interest due on the said in part recited Indenture of mortgage and bond or obligation therein mentioned Have granted sold release, conveyed and surrendered unto the said John MacDougall the said Indenture of mortgage Bond or obligation as also all the premises and buildings in the said Indenture of Mortgage mentioned and described. To Have and To Hold the said Indenture of Mortgage and Bond or obligation and also all the premises tenements and buildings in the said Indenture of Mortgage mentioned and described to the said John MacDougall his heirs and assigns to the only use and behoof of the said John MacDougall his heirs and assigns forever
And I do here by certify the same to you and require you to register his certificate as I the said James Purvis my heirs executors administrators or assigns have no claim or demand to or upon the said herein before mortgaged premises or any part thereof.
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty fifth day of May in the year of our Lord One Thousand eight Hundred and Thirty Seven.
Signed Sealed In presence of John Smith [signature]} James Purvis [signature]
John Smith of New Glasgow in the County of Pictou Yeoman, the subscribing witness to the above document maketh oath that he was present and saw the same duly signed and executed John Smith [signature]
Sworn to at Pictou this 25th May 1837} before me H. W. Hatton J.P. [signature]
File number: | 17D-11410M |
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Tags: | land, property, agreement, title, Gregor McGregor, John Goult, Alexander Robertson, William Mortimer, James Purvis, Jane MacDougall, John McDougall, Jane McDougall, John Smith, 1837 |
Views: | 677 |
Uploaded on: | July 10, 2017 |