Description McKeels of Caribou


John G. McKeel & others


Joseph McKeel} Dated the 17th October 1846

Province of Nova Scotia} Registrars Office, Pictou 22nd June 1849.  I hereby Ceritfy that the within Instrument was registered at 5 o'clock PM if the above day L'Liba 34 folio 48 on the oath of Alexander McKeel a subscribing witness there to presents to Law

Peter Crerar Deputy Registrar

This Indenture made this Seventeenth day of October in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight hundred and fortysix Between John George McKeel Nathaniel McKeel William McKeel and Alexander McKeel all of Cariboo in the County of Pictou Yeomen of the one part and Joseph McKeel of Cariboo aforesaid Carpenter of the other part Witnesseth that the said John Georg McKeel Nathaniel McKeel William McKeel and Alexander McKeel for an in consideration of the sum of Ten pounds of lawful money of Nova Scotia to them paid by the said Joseph the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged Have and each of them Hath granted bargained sold aliened remised released enfeoffed and confirmed and by these presents Do and each of Doth Grant bargain Sell alien remise release enfeoff and confirm unto the said Joseph McKeel his heirs and assigns All that lot of land situate lying and being at Cariboo aforesaid bounded and described as follows that is to say on the north by the harbour of Carriboo on the East by land owned by Donald McFarlane on the West by the lands of Hugh Sutherland and on the South by the property of the said Joseph McKeel being part and parcel of all that certain lot situate at Carriboo aforesaid in Block Letter A. purchased by the said Joseph McKeel from one William George Cochrane and containing in the whole Eighty acres more or less To Have and To Hold the said lot of land with the appurtenances to the said Joseph McKeel his heirs and assigns for ever

In Witness whereof the parties to these presents have hereto their hands and Seals subscribed and set respectively the day and Year first above written 

Signed Sealed and delivered in presence of Thomas Lowe [signature]; John Barrow [signature]; John Geddes [signature]; Alexander McKeil [signature]}

Nathaniel McKeil [signature]

William McKeil [signature]

Received on the day of the date of the foregoing Deed from Joseph McKeel therein named the sum of Ten pounds being the full consideration money for the conveyance of the Lands therein mentioned


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vault, 1b2

File number: 17D-11416M
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: Cochran Grant, Caribou, Carribou, Caribo, MacKeil, McKeil, title, land, paid, agreement, property, 17D-11419M, 17D-11418M
Views: 823
Uploaded on: July 6, 2017

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