Fees Paid 6/6
John Robson
Andre M'Gee
Province of Nova Scotia} Registration Office Pictou Dec 28th 1837 I do certify that the within Instrument was registered at 10 o'clock P.M. of the above day in Lib 20 Folio 245 on the Certificate of R. Sod-- J.P. Pursuant to Law Peter Crerar Deputy Registrar [signature]
This Indenture made at Merigomish in the Township of Maxwellton, in the County of Pictou, and in Province of Nova Scotia, the Twenty first day of December, in the year of our Lord, one thousand, Eight hundred and Thirty Seven, Between John Robson of Merigomish aforesaid yeoman, of the one part, and Andrew M'Gee of said Merigomish, yeoman, of the other part. Witnesseth, that the said John Robson, for and in consideration of the Sum of Twenty five pounds, Lawful money of the Province aforesaid, to him in hand paid, before the ensealing and Delivery of these presents, the Receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, Hath Bargained, Granted, Sold, Enfeoffed, Released, and Confirmed, And by these Presents, Doth, Grant, Bargain, Sell, Alien, Enfeoff and Release, and forever maek over unto him the said Andrew M'Gee, his Heirs, and Assigns, a certain Lot or parcel of land, lying Situated and being on the South side of the Harbour of Merigomish aforesaid, in the Rear of the Eight Seventh Grant, and is abutted and Bounded as follows, viz: said Eighty Seventh Grant, where the west line of Lands Granted to Barnabus McGee, intersects said Rear Line, and Runs from thence South, above said Barnabus' West line three hundred and Twenty Rods from thence West fifty Rods, from thence North, three hundred, and Twenty Rods and from thence, East fifty Rods, to the place of Beginning, containing on hundred Acres be the same more or less together with all and singular, the Buildings and inprovements, Rights, Privileges and appurtenances, to the aforesaid Bargained and Sold Premises, or to any part or parcel thereof belonging, or in anywise appertaining, with all the Right, Title, Interest, Claim, Property and Demand of him, the aforesaid John Robson, in or upon the premises aforesaid, or any part or parcel thereof. To Have and to Hold, the before described premises and Lot or Parcel to him the said Andrew McGee, his Heirs and Assigns forever, without any condition, Reservation, or Incumberance whatever. And it is hereby covenanted and agreed upon, by and between the parties aforesaid, that, although, he the said John Robson, stands seized and Possessed, of a Good and Sufficient Deed, in fee Simple, from John McGee, the Brother of the said Andrew M'Gee from whom he Bought the aforesaid Bargained, and Sold, --- , that he will warrant, maintain, and Defend the Same, against the Lawful Claims of any person or persons Claiming Right thereto, Except, persons Claiming under the said John McGee, and Charles McGee, the Said Andrew McGees father, the original Grantee of Said Lot, and parcel of Land.
In Witness Whereof, the aforesaid John Robson, hath to these Presents, his hand and Seal, Subscribed and Set, the day and year first above written.
Signed, Sealed and Delivered in presence of} John Robson [signature], A. Y. Copland [signature], R.S. Lowden [signature]
Received from the within named Andrew M'Gee, the Sum of Twenty five pounds, being in full, the consideration Money, mentioned in the foregoing Deed of Indenture --- Received as witness my hand — John Robson [signature]
A. Y. Copland, R. S. Lowden} Witness
Personally, this day, appeared before me, the subscribing Majestrate, Alexander Y. Copeland who being duly sworn, deposes, that he was personally present, and saw John Robson, a party to the foregoing Deed of Indenture Sign, Seal, and Deliver the same.
A. Y. Copland [signature]
Sworn at Merigomish this 22 day of December 1837 Before R. Lowden J.P.
vault, 1b2
File number: | 17D-1191R |
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Tags: | Robert Samuel Lowden, Alexander Y Copeland, Alexander Copland, title, land, property, paid, agreement |
Views: | 663 |
Uploaded on: | July 4, 2017 |