Description Clarance Hamilton and Alexander McMillian

To all whom these presents shall come, I Clarence Hamilton of Pictou in the County of Pictou, Manufacturer, Seed Greeting.

Whereas, in and by a certain Indenture of Mortgage bearing date the twenty seventh day of December A.D., 1900 and duly registered in the Registry of Deeds, at Pictou in the County of Pictou in Libro 120 Filio 783 & 784 and made between Alexander McMillian of Pictou aforesaid, Blacksmith, and Isabella D. McMillan his wife of the one part, and said Clarence Hamilton of the other part, the said Alexander McMillian and Isabella McMillan did, subject to a proviso for the redemption thereof in the said Indenture contained, convey and confirm to the said Clarence Hamilton his heirs and assigns, certain lands and premises, situated at Pictou in the County of Pictou aforesaid and in said Indenture more fully described to secure the repayment of the sum of five hundred dollars of lawful money of Canada with interest in manner and form, an at the times therein se forth.

And whereas, the said Alexander McMillian has fully paid off and satisfied the said mortgage and the principal and interest due thereon, and has requested a release of the same Now know ye, that the said Clarence Hamilton for and in consideration of the premises and the sum of one dollar to him in hand well and truly paid by the said Alexander McMillian at or before the ensealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hath granted, released, remised, discharged, and forever quitted claim to and by these presents doth grant, release, remise, discharge and forever quit claim to as well the said Mortgage, and the Bond given therewith, and the sum thereby secured as all interest due thereon, together with the said premises, and all and singular the appurtenances thereof, and all the estate, right, title, interest, claim, property and demand whatsoever both at Law and in Equity of the said Clarence Hamilton under and by virtue of the said mortgage

To have and to hold the said lot of land and premises with all and singular the appurtenances to the said Alexander McMillian his behoof for ever, absolutely acquitted heirs and assigns to his and their behoof for ever, absolutely acquitted declared and released of and form the said in par recite Indenture of mortgage and the sum thereby secured. 

In witness whereof, the party to these presents has hereunto his hand and seal subscribed and set this seventh day of December A.D., 1904

(signed) Clarence Hamilton


Province of Nova Scotia,

County of Pictou S.S.

On this 13th day of December A.D., 1904 Before me the subscriber personally came and appeared John Murray of Pictou the subscribing witness to the foregoing release, who made oath that Clarence Hamilton the parties thereto duly executed the same in his presence.

(Signed) A. McDougal

Justice of the Peace in and for the County of Pictou

File Location

vault 1b2

File number: 17D-1803H
Contributor:    Amelia English | View all submissions
Tags: Alexander McMillian, Clarence Hamilton, Isabella D. McMillian
Views: 510
Uploaded on: July 3, 2017

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