Description Shatford vs McKinnon Statement of Amount Due 17D

1906 A., NO. 15036

In the “Supreme Court”


Franklin Shatford. Plaintiff,


Charles McKinnon, Defendant,

To J.L. McKinnon, Esq.,

Keith Building, 41 ½ Barrington Street,

Halifax, N.S (SOLICITOR FOR Plaintiff)

And J. Sim Harris, Esq.,

High Sheriff, County  of Pictou

Take notice, that there is due to the Town of New Glasgow, in the County of Pictou, for taxes on the property of the said Defendant, as follows:-

For the year 1905 --------- $53.75

For the year 1906----------$46.00

For the year 1899-----------$44.00

For the year 1900-----------$44.00

For the sewer rates----------$121.32




Which said amounts, you are hereby required to pay to the Town of New Glasgow, on or before the day of sale, viz., Friday, the 21st day of September, A.D., 1906 and that you will be held personally liable for payment of same.

(SGD) James Roy,

Town Clerk & Treasurer

Town of New Glasgow


Shatford vs. McKinnon

Statements of Amounts Due.

Mortgage to J.E. Shatford             $2000

One year’s interest at 6 ½           $130.00       $2,130.00

Mortgage to J.F. Shatford            $500.00

Interest from August 10, 1899, to date at 6.5%             $230.95

Insurance on mortgage premises pursuant to terms of mortgage                                   $37.50

Taxes, etc.,                                $314.07       $1082.52


File Location

vault 1b2

File number: 17D-1141M
Contributor:    Amelia English | View all submissions
Tags: J. Franklin Shatford, Charles McKinnon
Views: 478
Uploaded on: July 3, 2017

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