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Description Irving History 1984(In part)

A record of the descendants of Christopher Irving (1) of Mt. Thom, Pictou Co., N.S.

Christopher Irving, the first was born in Ecclefechan, Dumfriesshire, Scotland in 1750 and was married to Margaret Mac Queen, widow of Johnathan Radcliff.  They lived there until 1822 on the farm known as the Burch.

Margaret Mac Queen had two daughters and one son by her first marriage.  Viz. Mercer, born 1791, married J. Poole; Mary, born 1792, married Dr. William Henderson: Johnathan born 1794.

Christopher Irving emigrated to N.S. in 1822? And settled on the (then) New Road, Mt. Thom where he farmed and kept an inn.  He died April 23, 1838, age 88 years.  His wife died 1856 age 88 years.

Second Generation:

Alexander MacQueen Irving (2) Christopher (1) married Rachel Mac Gillivary of Lr. Mt. Thom.  He died Nov. 13, 1862 age 56 years.  His wife died March 10, 1883, age 72 years.

9 children:  Christopher married Catherine Fraser of East River and now, (1913) lives at Three Brooks, Pictou Co., N.S.   John William married, is now (1913) living at Folleigh Lake, Col. Co., N.S.  He is in the employ of the I. R. C.  Johnathan, married and moved to Maine, U.S.A.  Christy Ann, married and lives in Boston, U. S. A.  Alexandra Mac Queen, died Feb. 8, 1890, age 37 yrs.

John Grant Irving (2) Christopher (1) married Ann Clunus Mac Kay.  He died Oct. 5, 1877, age 77 yrs.  His wife died Jan. 19, 1869, age 68 years.

Children:  John Grant, killed in a gold mine at Mt. Uniacke, May 11, 1866, age 28 years, unmarried.  Charles, died unmarried in Boston, May 14, 1895, age 53 years.  Christopher married Margaret White Tupper of New Glasgow and he died in Halifax.  He was a carriage builder.  William born Feb. 1, 1830.  Married Christy Mac Kay, daughter of Hector Mac Kay of Pictou.  He died April 17, 1889, age 59 yrs.  His wife died April 8, 1901, age 59 yrs.  They were married Dec. 15, 1870.  On Jan. 24, 1872, he was appointed Justice of the Peace and in June 1878 he was elected Elder in the Presbyterian Church.  James, married in Nebraska and is now (1913) living there.  Alexander, married in Cedar Rapids and died there in 1912.  Margaret, married Thomas Proudfoot of Lr. Mt. Thom.  Belle, married William Proudfoot. 

Kenneth Mac Queen (2) Christopher (1) born 1810, married first Margaret Halliday of Pictou, who died Dec. 23, 1862, age 53 yrs.  His second marriage was to Margaret B. Reid who died August 27, 1879 age 75 yrs.  He died July 4, 1882, age 72 yrs.

Children:  John, married Annie Irving; second cousin; daughter of Christopher Irving (3) John Grant (2) Christopher (1).  He died in 1912.  His widow and family live at Riversdale, Col. Co., N.S. (1913). Jane, died, unmarried in Boston, USA.  David moved to USA.  Charles, married and lives in USA.  Kenneth Mac Queen, married Mary Patterson, daughter of Dr. George Patterson of New Glasgow.  Tabitha, married Thomas Mc Coul of Pictou.  She died Jan.31, 1888, age 51 years and was buried at New Glasgow.  Johnathan, married a daughter of Jonathan Henderson (2).  He lives in Boston, Mass. and is a trustee of the estate of the late famous Mrs. Eddy, Christian Scientist.  George Christopher, died unmarried, July 16, 1861, age 13 yrs.  Margaret, married Capt. Thos. O’Brien, Lyons Brook, Pictou Co., N.S. 

Charles Irving (2) Christopher (1) married Jennie Mc Arthur.

Children:  Emily, married Capt. Alex O’Brien.  Margaret and James, died unmarried.

Christopher Irving (2) Christopher (1) married Mary Ramsbotham at Fall River, Mass, July 23, 1838.  She was born Jan. 6, 1818 near Liverpool, England, and came to Nova Scotia with her parents when 12 years of age.  They subsequently moved to Fall River, Mass.  Irving and his wife moved from Fall River to St. Louis, Mo. Where they lived six months, thence to Naples, Ill. Where they remained for a year, finally settled in Chambersburg, Ill.  He died there Dec. 24, 1859 and his wife died May 27, 1901.

Children:  James Charles, born 1841, married and living in Colorado.  They have one son and one daughter.   Edward, born 1846, living in Chambersburg, Ill., married Mabalo Chenowith.   They have two sons and two daughters, all married.  A daughter, name unknown, born 1844 died 1899.  Molly, married James Chenowith.  She died the year after her marriage.  Alexander Mac Queen, born 1843, married and living in Gallatin, Mo.  They have 2 sons and 2 daughters, the latter married.  Margaret Mac Queen, born 1858, married James Chenowith (relict of her sister Molly and whom she married four years after the death of the latter.)  They lived in Chambersburg, Ill.  John Grant, married and lived 30 miles from Chambersburg.  He had three daughters, two of whom were deaf.  There survived Mary Ramsbotham Irving, six children, thirty-one grandchildren, and thirty-three great grand children.

Children:  James, unmarried, living near Pictou.

                Charles, died in Mexico.

                David died in youth.

John David, married Jane Dawson and lived near Pictou where he died Aug 19, 1913 age 65 yrs.  He was elected and elder in Prince St. Presbyterian Church Sept. 22, 1895.  He had no children.

William Mac Queen, married in California.

Margaret, unmarried, living with her brother Mercer.


Tabitha Irving (2) Christopher (1), married (1st) David Underwood of River John.  He died in 1836.  Second time married to Benjamin Cassidy.


Margaret Irving (2) Christopher (1), married Donald Forbes of New Glasgow.  She died in Nov. 2, 1859 in her 48th year, and he died Oct. 5, 1862, age 73 yrs.

Children:  Charles


                John, born June 24, 1844, died Oct. 10, 1902 at Oakland, Cal. USA.

                Margaret, married Edgar Brigham, lived with brother Charles in New Glasgow.

                Tabitha Jane, died March 4, 1858 age 1 year, 11 months, and 20 days.

                Jessie, died Oct. 11, 1855 age 13 months.

                Christopher, died June 11, 1847, age 11 months.

James Irving (2) Christopher (1), married Jane Fraser and lived at Upper Mt. Thom.  His wife was a daughter of John Fraser of Rosshire, Scotland and his wife (Margaret Munroe).  They emigrated to Upper Mt. Thom when Jane was about 10 years old.  John Fraser died Jan. 23, 1850 aged 72 yrs. And Margaret (Munro) his wife died May 8, 1860, age 72 yrs.  Other children of John and Margaret Fraser were Archibald, died Feb. 14, 1891, age 69 yrs.  Margaret, married George MacKenzie.  Jessie and Donald died unmarried. 

Other Children: of James and Jane (Fraser) Irving:  Christopher, born Nov. 5, 1841, married Christy Munro. 

                                John, born May 22, 1843, died April 30, 1856.

                                John Grant, born June 20, 1845, died Jan. 19, 1913, he married Rowena Mac Kay.

                                Margaret Mac Queen, born August 3, 1847, married William D. Smith.

                                Mary Ann, born Dec. 1, 1849, married William D. Maxwell Dec. 29, 1870.  The ceremony                

                                Was performed by Rev. Alex. Mac Kay, Pastor of St. Lukes Church, Salt Springs.

                                Jane, born Dec. 13, 1851, married Alex Smith of Port Hood, Cape Breton.

                                James, born Feb. 13, 1854, died April 29, 1871.

                                Archibald, born June 15, 1858, died July 17, 1861.

                                Isaac, born May 18, 1856, married Janet Smith.

                                Tabitha, born April 15, 1860, died Aug. 15, 1861.

Susan, born Feb. 28, 1863, married John Thompson and lives in Chelmsford, Mass.  No children.

Emily, born Sept. 14, 1866, died unmarried.


Third Generation:

William Irving (3) John Grant (2) Christopher (1), married Christy Mac Kay, a sister of George Mac Kay, father of Lawrence Mac Kay.

Children:              Lottie, died March 29, 1901, age 21 yrs.

                                Eva, married Alex Fraser, July 11, 1933, taught in Alberta.

                                Margaret, married Ausburn Mac Lean of Scotsburn.

                                Annie living in Boston.

                                Hattie, married John Webster of Somerville, Mass.

                                Ella, married Arthur Gibson and living in Watertown, Mass.

                                John Grant, married and living in Klondike (1913).

                                Eva, was teaching in the Klondike (1913)


Margaret Irving (3) John Grant (2) Christopher (1), married Thomas Proudfoot of Lr. Mt. Thom.

Children:  William C. Proudfoot, Lr. Mt. Thom, never married, died Sept. 26, 1944 aged 74 yrs.

Charles David, married Agnes Esdale and lives in Sommerville, Mass.  He has one daughter, Lorna Margaret and one son Charles Esdale.  Lorna, married Norwood A. Miller (6/26/1941).  Charles, married Hazel Alice Morris (9/19/1941).

John Grant lived in Scotsburn.

James, died unmarried, Dec. 21, 1910.

Alexander, died.


Belle Irving (3) John Grant (2) Christopher (1), married William Proudfoot of Upper Mt. Thom. 

Children:   Annie, married Charles Fraser of Lr. Mt. Thom.  They have one daughter.

                Mary, died unmarried.

                James, died unmarried.

                John lives at Mt. Thom.

Capt. John Irving (3) Kenneth Mac Queen (2) Christopher (1), married his second cousin Annie Irving, daughter of Christopher (2).  He died in 1912 and his widow lives in Riversdale, Col. Co.  There was a family of 5 boys and 6 girls.

Children:  Mabel, married Roland Irving (4) Christopher (3) James (2) Christopher (1).  They have a family. Children: of Capt. John and Annie Irving are Anna, Ollie, Mercer, Charlotte, Isabel Mary, Ray, George, Edward, and Wilfred.  Mercer is married and lives in Boston.  Ray and John are both married and live at Bible Hill, Truro.


Margaret Irving (3) Kenneth Mac Queen (2) Christopher (1), married Capt. Thomas O’Brien.  The lived in the old stone house at Lyons Brook.

Children:  John Irving, died May 28, 1881, age 5 years 10 months.


Kenneth Mac Queen Irving (3) Kenneth Mac Queen (2) Christopher (1), married first Miss Gould, married second Mary Patterson.  There was a son by the first marriage and a daughter, Margaret by the second marriage.  Margaret graduated from Dalhousie University 19—


Jonathan Irving (3) Kenneth MacQueen (2) Christopher (1), married Narcis Henderson.  They have two daughters, Maud and Eliza.


Margaret Mc Queen Irving (3) Christopher (2) Christopher (1), married James Chenoweth.

Children:  Irving S. Chenoweth, born 1884.  In 1906, he was assistant Pastor of Union Ave., Christian Church, St. Louise, Mo.  He published “A Memorial of Ella Campbell Ewing” by the class of 1905 Eureka College.  Harry Kenneth, born 1886.  Mary born 1888.  Sarah Teresa, born 1895.


Margaret Forbes (3) Margaret (Irving) Forbes (2) Christopher (1), married Edgar Morse Brigham who was born at [Southborough], Mass. June 11, 1835 and died at New Glasgow, June 30, 1911.


Christopher Irving (3) James (2) Christopher (1), married Christy Munro who died at Salt Springs April 17, 1913.  They lived at Upper Mt. Thom but later removed to Salt Springs where their son George conducted a general store. 

Children:  Annie Jane married Thomas Higgins and later died at Brookfield, April 13, 1925.

                James Grant married Laura Bain.

                George Underwood married Lola Gass, daughter of Nelson Gass of Salt Springs.

                Ellard Burns, born June 1912 died 1982.

Gladys, married Dan Collie of New Glasgow, and since was shot to death with husband by son-in-law (RCMP mounty).

Roland married his 4th cousin Mabel Irving.  They had two girls and three boys.

Albert Nelson, born Sept. 25, 1913 at South Brookfield, Queens Co., N.S. drowned in B.C. when about 24 years of age.


John Grant Irving (3) James (2) Christopher (1), married Rowena MacKay.

Children:  James Andrew, an engineer, married Mollie Dunn and has three children (1913):  Johann Corinne, married George J. Hulsar, rancher and has three girls (1913).

                Mead Bartlett, died aged 20 years.

                Willena Maud, married Henry W. Gessner, conductor on S.P. R. R. They have on girl (1915)

                Leslie Jane, died when 16 months old.

                Mildred Margaret, married Walter P. Greenburg, mining engineer.  They have one girl (1913).

Melva Thelma, married James H. Goodhew, Chauffeur.  They have one boy (1913), lives at Los Angelis, California, USA.

Melno Park, married Norman Harper, a fireman on the S. P. R. R., Mapletown.  They have one girl (1913).

Lauretta, married Henry C. Hanson, also a fireman on the S. P. R. R.

John Grant, studied dentistry.

All the boys of this family were over 6 feet tall.  They lived in Peaceville, California, USA.


Margaret Mac Queen Irving (3) James (2) Christopher (1), married William D. Smith of Port Hood, Cape Breton.  They lived for a time on Port Hood Island which was owned by Mr. Smith but afterwards moved to Pictou where they bought the Foote property on Beeches Road.  Mr. Smith died there in 1906. 

Children:  Headley V., married Charlotte Fisher.

                Milton, married a Smith and lived at Port Hood.

                William, lived on the home farm, Pictou.

                Edna, married Garfield Giffon of Goldsborough, N.S.  They removed to Vancouver, B.C. Mr. Giffon died Dec. 30, 1910.  There was one child which died in infancy.  Mrs. Giffin subsequently took the training course for nurse at the Victoria Hospital in Montreal.

                Cecile, married William Powell, a civil engineer.  They lived for a time in Victoria, B.C. and afterwards in Vancouver, B.C. where their son, Arnold Gordon was born in October 1912.  Isabel Irving, a daughter, was born — August 1914.

Mary Anne Irving (3) James (2) Christopher (1), married William D. Maxwell.  They lived on the old Maxwell homestead, Lower Mt. Thom.

Children:  James Renforth, born Oct. 20, 1871, married Beatrice MacIntosh, Oct 3., 1906 at Sydney, N.S.   They have three daughters and one son.

                Elizabeth Jane, born July 14, 1907, at Sydney.

                Beatrice Irving, born January 5, 1909 at Sydney.

                James William Stewart, born Dec. 2, 1910 at Sydney.

                Grace Irene, born June 14, 1912 at Sydney.

                Lewis Robert, born Nov. 21, 1872, died February 29, 1896.

                Alice Maud, born February 21, 1874, at present (1913) in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

                Charles Archibald, born October 7, 1875 – 1967.

Martha Jane, born July 24, 1877, married July 18, 1906 to Clarence L. Moore.  They have two sons and two daughters.


Jane Irving (3) James (2) Christopher (1), married Alexander Smith of Port Hood.  He was a brother of William D. Smith.  He was a brother of William D. Smith.

                Children:  Howard








Christopher Irving (3) John Grant (2) Christopher (1), married Margaret White Tupper of New Glasgow.

Children:  John Grant, born January 3, 1874.  Unmarried, lived in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, USA.  Died there in 1970, also buried there.  Stone erected in his memory in “Irving Cemetery” Upper Mt. Thom, Pictou County, NS. (1971)

Kenneth Edward, born May 4, 1878, married Barbara MacKay of Scotsburn, Pictou County, NS.  Died February 20, 1961, buried in Halifax.

Children:  Kenneth Edward, died in infancy, buried in Scotsburn, Pictou County, NS. 

Elanor, married Vincent MacCulloch.  Two adopted boys Ross and Peter.  Elanor died December 1975, buried in Scotsburn, NS.

Marjorie, married Walter (Pete) F. Zinck and have 2 daughters, Maryann and Barbara.

William A. Radcliff., born May 21, 1876.  Died August 18, 1945.  Buried in Scotsburn, Pictou County, NS.  Married Georgina (Mac)Lavers of Georgetown, PEI.  They have four boys and one girl.  John William, born June 30, 1922, married Gladys Johnstone, Hamilton, Bermuda.  Two children by this marriage, one girl and one boy.  John William, divorced and remarried, no family to second marriage. Beverly, Mrs. Roy Gowdy of Yarmouth and they have two boys. John Douglas, unmarried, schoolteacher, 1881 in Martinique.

Burns MacLean, born July 19, 1926, married Vida Gwinn, Sugar Loaf, Victoria County, Cape Breton.  They have 10 children:  1. Freda Lynn, married Bevan Cameron, Lr. Mt. Thom.  They have two girls, Juanette and Sheri.  2. Carol Gordon, married Keith Turple.  They had one boy, Rodney and one girl, Keitha.  3.  Edward Parker lived with Joy Magee and have two boys, Steven and Roger.  4.  Fern Elizabeth died at one year old.  5.  Constance Georgina (Connie) married Gene Allen of Lr. Mt. Thom and have one boy, Steven.   6.  Marion Elizabeth joined the Mormon Faith and lives (1984) in Calgary, Alberta.  7.  Wilson Fred [born 1958] is quite a soldier, has joined the regular force (air force), stationed in Greenwood (1984). Fred died July 24, 1989 age 29 years.  8.  Afton Roberta, married Len Hart and moved to Holland.  9. Allen Burns, at home in Lr. Mt. Thom (1984). 10. Shannon, (1984) at home in Lr. Mt. Thom. (There is more to this genealogy please contact the McCulloch House Museum and Genealogy Centre for information.)

David Gordon, born Nov. 7, 1927, married Annabell Latham (divorced) of Sylvester, Pictou County, NS.  They had one boy, Thomas Gordon, and two girls, Darleen and Katherine Mae, (Mrs. John Fisher).  Thomas Gordon was killed in a car accident June 1976, age 19 yrs.

Helen Elizabeth, born May 21, 1930, married twice, first to Albert Owen of Scotsburn, adopted one girl, Sandra Lee.  They divorced and she married Arthur Dwyer of River John, now live in Lower Onslow, Colchester County, NS.  One daughter by second marriage, Karen.

Benvie Mercer, born June 30, 1933, married Eileen MacKenzie of McLellans Brook, Pictou County, NS.  They have 2 boys and 3 girls.  Charles, Ronald, Kathy, Debra and Judy.  They, Ben and Eileen live in Scotsburn, Pictou County, NS (There is more to this genealogy please contact the McCulloch House Museum and Genealogy Centre for information.)

Jennie, born December 4th, 1861, died 1944.  She was married to John Hubbard.  They had one girl, Edyth who married — Sears and have a boy, Bruce and a girl, Carol. 

Martha was born February 16, 1864, died 1900.

Margaret was born March 19, 1866, died 1877.

Matilda was born June 29 1868, died 1887.

Myithe was born August 3, 1870, died May 30 1949.  She married Andrew MacKay of Mt. Thom.  They moved to Washington, DC.  They had no family.

Emma was born February 19, 1872.  She died 1872.

Murray was born July 29, 1880.  Death unknown.

Charlotte was born September 26, 1882.  Died 1886.

Anna was born November 4, 1859.  Died 1942.  She married her second cousin Capt. John Irving, a son of Kenneth Mac Queen (2) Christopher (1).  They have a family of five boys and six girls.  They are:  1. Kenneth George Douglas, born New Glasgow, April 30, 1879; 2. Ray Halliday born New Glasgow, April 28, 1881; 3. Mabel Matilda(y) born Mt. Thom, October 6, 1883; 4. John Christopher born Mt. Thom, May 21, 1886; 5. Margaret Irene Anna born Mt. Thom, January 5, 1888; 6. Jane Mercer Murray, born Mt. Thom, August 8, 1890; 7. Olive born Mt. Thom, March 6, 1892; 8. Charlotta born Mt. Thom, March 25, 1894; 9.  Isabel Mary, born Mt. Thom, September 14, 1896; Edward King born Mt. Thom, January 5, 1899 and 10. Wilfred Radcliff born Mt. Thom, September 15, 1901.

This file also contains photocopies of photographs labeled as Christopher & Margaret (White Tupper) Irving; Ed Irving with granddaughter (surname Zinck); Burns Irving, Annie (Irving)Wall, Villa (Givenn) Irving & Lynn, John Wm and Wm War Irving; and John William Irving [87-27A] as well as a copy of The Irvings of Bonshaw,  A short account of their history [87-27B].

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File number: 88-27C
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: Lower Mount Thom, Salt Springs, Mt. Thom, 86-120-008, 1822, emigration, Catherine Irving, Christy Ann Irving, Ann Clunus Irving, Charles Irving, Margaret White Tupper Irving, Margaret Proudfoot, David Irving, Kenneth Irving, Mary Irving, Tabitha McCoul, Margaret O'Brein, Margaret O'Brien, Emily Irving, Emily O'Brein, Edward Irving, Mabalo Irving, Molly Irving, Molly Chenowith, Molly Chenoweth, Margaret Chenoweth, Margaret Chenowith, James Murray, Mercer Murray, David Murray, John David Murray, Tabitha Irving Underwood, Tabitha Irving Underwood Cassidy, Margaret Forbes, Charles Forbes, William Forbes, John Forbes, Tabitha Jane Forbes, Jessie Forbes, Christopher Forbes, Archibald Irving, Mary Ann Irving, Upper Mount Thom, Isaac Irving, Tabitha Irving, Susan Irving, Lottie Irving, Eva Irving, Eva Fraser, Margaret Irving, Margaret McLean, Annie Irving, Hattie Irving, Hattie Webster, Ella Irving, Ella Gibson, Charles David Proudfoot, Agnes Proudfoot, Lorna Proudfoot, Lorna Miller, Hazel Alice Proudfoot, Alexander Proudfoot, James Proudfoot, John Grant Proudfoot, Belle Irving Proudfoot, Mary Proudfoot, Mabel Irving, Anna Irving, Ollie Irving, Oliver Irving, Mercer Irving, Charlotte Irving, Isabel Mary Irving, Ray Irving, George Irving, Wilfred Irving, John Irving O'Brein, Narcisis Irving, Harry Kenneth Chenoweth, Sarah Teresa Chenoweth, Margaret Brigham, Margaret Forbes Morse Brigham, Annie Jane Higgins, Laura Irving, Ellard Burns Irving, Gladys Collie, Gladys Irving, Roland Irving, Rowena Irving, Johann Irving, Johann Hulsar, Mead Bartlett Irving, Willena Maud Gessner, Leslia Jane Irving, Mildred Margaret Irving, Mildred Margaret Greenburg, Melva Thelma Goodhew, Melno Park Harper, Melno Park Irving, Lauretta Hanson, Margaret Smith, Headley V. Smith, William Smith, Edna Smith, Edna Giffon, Cecile Powell, Arnold Gordon Powell, Isabel Irving Powell, James Renforth Maxwell, Beatrice Maxwell, Elizabeth Jane Maxwell, Beatrice Irving Maxwell, James William Stewart Maxwell, Grace Irene Maxwell, Lewis Robert Maxwell, Alice Maud Maxwell, Charles Archibald Maxwell, Martha Jane Maxwell, Martha Jane Moore, Jane Smith, Howard Smith, Arthur Smith, Maude Smith, Emily Smith, Ella Smith, Alexander Smith, Kenneth Edward Irving, Barbara MacKay Irving, Elanor Irving, Elanor McCulloch, Marjorie Irving Zinck, Georgina Lavers, Georgina Irving
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Uploaded on: June 30, 2017

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