This indenture made this twenty sixth day of July in the Year our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five Between the Reverend Charles Elliott of Pictou in the County of Pictou and Province of Nova Scotia clerk and Emma A. Elliott his wife of the one part and Bella McLauchlan of Pictou in the County and Province aforesaid of the other part, Witnesseth, That for and in consideration of the Sum of Ten pounds equal to forty dollars of lawful money of Nova Scotia to him in hand paid by the said Bella McLauchlan at or before the ensuing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, they the said Charles Elliott and Emma A Elliott his wife have and each of them Hath granted bargained, sold, aliened, enfeoffed, released, and confirmed, and by these presents Do and each of them Doth grant, bargain, sell, alien, enfeoff, release and confirm unto, her the said Bella McLauchlin her Heirs and Assigns, all that certain lot off land, situated lying and being in the town of Pictou and bounded as follows that is to say: beginning on the south margin of Falkland street at the North East corner of a lot of land now owned by Donald McLauchlan of Miramichi in the Province of New Brunswick, and running thence Eastwardly along said street forty eight feet seven inches to the north west corner of a lot of land owned by a Doctor now thence south along the west line of said Crows land seventy eight feet to the rear line of lots fronting on spring street, thence westerly along said rear line forty nine feet six inches more or less to the east line of the said Donald McLauchlan lot thence north along the east mentioned line seventy five feet to the place of beginning being lot NO 10 on the plan of lots belonging to the said Charles Elliott made by William R. _____ esquire, dated the twenty seventh day of August in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty five, and requested in the office of the registrar of deeds for the county of Pictou in forty-seven five hundred and nine reference thereto being had will more fully appear together with all and singular the Houses, Outhouses, Building, Ways, Watercourses, Easements, Privileges, Appendages, and Appurtenances, to the said Tract or Parcel of Land belonging, or in any wise appertaining, with the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues, and profits thereof, and all the Estate, right, title, interest, claim and demand whatsoever which the said Charles Elliot and all the Dower or thirds of here the said Emma A Elliott his wife, or either of them over had or may have, in or to the same TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said Tract, Piece, and Parcel of Land described together with all and singular the Appurtenances unto her the said Bella McLauchlan their Heirs and Assigns and to her only use benefit and behoof forever. And the said Charles Elliott for himself his Heirs, executors, and administrators doth hereby covenant, promise and agree to and with the said Bella McLauchlan her Heirs and Assigns in manner and form following: That is to say- That he the said Charles Elliott good right, lawful authority and absolute power in himself to grant, alien and convey the said Tract of Parcel of Land described with all and singular the Appurtenances, in manner and form as before granted and conveyed; that she the said Bella McLauchlin and her Heirs and Assigns, shall and may, at all times hereafter, peacefully and quietly, have, hold, occupy, possess and enjoy the Tract of Land, with the appurtenances and every part and parcel thereof without any manner of let, trouble , eviction, hindrance, or molestation whatso ever, of or from the said Charles Elliott or any persons or persons whatsoever lawfully claiming the same or any part there. And also that the said Charles Elliott and his Heirs the said Lot of Land and premises hereby granted and conveyed unto the said Bella McLauchlin her Heir and Assigns against the lawful claims and demands of all and every person and persons whomsoever, will warrant and forever defend by these Presents.
In witness whereof, the parties to these presents have hereunto their hands and seals subscribed and affixed, the Day and Year before written,
Signed, Sealed and Delivered ~ James Crichton
$10.00 Received on the day of the date of the foregoing Deed from the therein named the sum of ten pounds of lawful money of Nova Scotia being the full consideration money in the said Deed mentioned to be paid by her to me
(Signed) Charles ____
Pictou SS.
On this twelth day of August A.D. 1865, before me the subscriber, one of the Her majesty’s Justices of the Peace for the county of Pictou personally came and appeared Emma Elliott the wife of the within named Charles Elliott who being by me examined separate and apart from her said husband acknowledged, that she did freely and without compulsion from her said husband, voluntarily sign, seal, and as and for her act and Deed deliver the foregoing Indenture for the purpose of thereby releasing unto the within named Bella McLauchlan her Heirs Assigned, all right title, interest, claim and demand which she now hath, or hereafter may have, in and to the lands and premises thereby conveyed in right of Dower or otherwise.
James Crichton
vault 1b2
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Tags: | Bella McLauchlan, Charles Elliott, Emma Elliott |
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Uploaded on: | June 29, 2017 |