Description New City Proposed in Pictou County

"New City Proposed in Pictou County

NEW GLASGOW - Mayor Alfred Matheson of Westville has proposed to the New Glasgow town council that it consider applying to the provincial government for a commission to look into the matter of the four towns of New Glasgow, Stellarton, Westville and Trenton being united into a city.

This, Mayor Matheson feels, "is long overdue, with strangers not knowing when they're out of one town and into another."

He thinks it would also be wise from the eonomic point of view as the present four unites of municipal governments, polic departments, school boards and water services could be replaced by one. 

It would all result in a better tax rate, he said, and incidentally a city of 24,000 would hav more influence in bringing in new industry than the four towns individually especially as at present they are inclined to be jealous of one another.

Since industry would have to settle along the river, New Glasgow would be faced with the need of more residential space, and for this Westville would be ideal under city planning.

Mayor Matheson said it was a wise and feasible thing to do, and if New Glasgow supported the plan, Stellarton, Trenton and Westville would be influenced to do so also.

Mayor J.H. Power said the council would give the matter serious consideration and notify Mayor Matheson on way or the other."

File Location

Microfilm Reel 117

File number: PA April 23 1959 p10
Contributor:    Susan Parker | View all submissions
Tags: newspaper, Pictou Advocate, J.H.Power, Alfred Matheson, Westville, New Glasgow, Stellarton, Trenton
Views: 660
Uploaded on: June 29, 2017
Source: Pictou Advocate

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