Mrs. C. L. Moore
The death of Mrs. C. L. Moore, 92, a well known residendt of Pictou for over 40 years, occurred in Sutherland Memorial Hospital in Pictou on Saturday, Jan. 10, following a few days illness.
Mrs. Moore was for many years president of the West Pictou Local Council of Women and it was in 1923, as president, that she saw the need for the work of the Victorian Order of Nurses in Pictou. She was successful in interesting others and in July of 1924 the work had begun and the first VON nurse came to Pictou. The Pictou branch of the 'VON' was set up with Mrs. Moore as its first president.
She wrote a short history of the order on its 25th anniversary and she was one of the honorary presidents of the VON branch in Pictou. She continued her work and interest in the Local Council of Women through the years and was currently archivist for the organization.
Born in Lower Mount Thom, Pictou County, she was the former Martha Jane Maxwell, a daughter of the late William D. and Mary Ann (Irving) Maxwell. She was a graduate of Pictou Academy and a gold medalist on graduation. She taught in the old High Street School in Pictou and in other schools in Pictou and Colchester counties, and was sent around the province by the department of education as a demonstrator teacher.
She was a member of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church in Pictou, and a member of the choir for many years. She also taught the Bible class and the Sunday School and was a former president of the Women's Missionary Society. The first group of Canadian Girls in Training (CGIT) in Pictou was organized under her sponsorship. She worked with dramatic groups in the church organizations for many years and also with similar groups at Pictou Academy.
She was married in Pictou and later moved to Sydney where her husband was inspector of schools; and then to Halifax where he was professor of biology at Dalhousie Univeristy. They moved back to Pictou in 1919 when her husband was appointed principal which he held for many years. He predeceased his wife in 1953.
The education and welfare of young people were the interests closest to Mrs. Moore's heart and up until the time of her short illness her home in Victory Heights was the gathering place of many of the children of the surrounding area.
She is survived by one son, William C., of Moncton, and two daughters, Nancy, Mrs. Walton Snell, Gatineau, P. Q., Kathleen, Mrs. Ervin S. Murray, Halifax, also by two brothers, Charles Maxwell, Mount Thom, and James of Sydney, and three sisters, Miss Ann R. Maxwell, Sommerville, Mass., Ella, Mrs. Lawrence MacKay, Debert, Susie, Mrs. Howard Gass, Sardis, B. C.
One son, Henry, predeceased her in 1952.
The largely attendend funeral service was held in St. Andrew's Church Monday afternoon, conducted by Rev. H. M. Buntain. Hyms sung were "Rock of Ages" and "Abide With Me". The pall bearers were M. D. MacCharles, Lawrence W. Cameron, D. A. Murray, Robert Crockett, E. Earl MacDonald and Allister MacLellan. Interment was in Haliburton cemetery.
File number: | PA15011959p3 |
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Tags: | C. L. Moore, Mary Anne Maxwell, Mary Anne Irving, William D. Maxwell, William C. Maxwell, Nancy Snell, Kathleen Murray, James Maxwell, Anna Maxwell, Ella Maxwell, Ella MacKay, Susie Maxwell, Susie Gass, British Columbia, Mary Ann Maxwell, Henry Moore, Kathleen Moore, Nancy Moore, 86-120-008, Clarence Leander Moore, 86-120-2 |
Views: | 923 |
Uploaded on: | June 28, 2017 |