This indenture made this Eighteenth day of October in the year our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and sixty nine between Allan Cameron of Middle River branch Barneys River in the county of Pictou and Province of Nova Scotia farmer of the one part and Kenneth Cameron and John Murray trustee of school at said middle branch Barneys River and there successions in office in trust for the parties erecting said school hour of the other part Winesseth that said Allan Cameron for and in consideration of the sum twelve dollars of lawful money of Nova Scotia to him in hand well and truly paid by the said Kenneth Cameron and or John Murray Trustee at or before the unsealing and delivering of these presents the receipts whereof is hereby acknowledged have granted bargained, sold, released, aliened and confirmed and by these presents at grant bargaining sell and confirm unto the said Kenneth Cameron and John Murray trustors and there successors in office all that certain piece parcel or lot of land situate at Barny’s River in the County and province aforesaid being part of a 1st of land owned and being in possession of the said Allan Cameron and is abutted and bounded as follows that is to say beginning at a estate and stones placed on the western side of the main road aforesaid nine roads to another stake and stones placed thence north sixty three degrees west eleven and a half roads to another stake on the north east side of said mill road and thence south twenty degrees east of an acro course being as indicated by Marget in the Year 1869.
To have and to hold the said lot of land with the appurtenances to the said Kenneth Cameron and John Murry Trustees of school and their successors in office seals subscribed and set on the day and year first aforesaid
Signed Sealed and Delivered
In presence of
(Singed Witness) George Campbell
(Signed) Allan Cameron
Received on the day of the date foregoing Indenture of the within named Trustors the pull consideration money therein mentioned being the sum of twelve dollars lawful Currency
(Signed Witness) George Campbell
Allan Cameron
vault 1b2
File number: | 17D- 1310C |
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Tags: | Allan Cameron, Kenneth Cameron, Middle Branch, Barneys River, John Murray |
Views: | 640 |
Uploaded on: | June 27, 2017 |