Description Deed Duncan Cameron to Thomas McDonald


Duncan Cameron to Thomas McDonald

This Indenture made at Pictou the eleventh day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and nineteen by and between Duncan Cameron of Pictou in the County of Halifax and Province of Nova Scotia Blacksmith of the one part and Thomas McDonald also of Pictou County and Province aforesaid of the other Part.

Witnesses that the said Duncan Cameron for and in consideration of the sum of sixty-two Pound lawful money of Nova Scotia to him the said Duncan Cameron in hand paid by the said Thomas McDonald at or before the ensealing and delivering of these presents the receipt whereof is already Acknowledged. Hath sold granted enfeoffed released and confirmed and by these presents doth sale grant and enfeoff release and confirm into him the said Thomas McDonald heirs assigned a certain lot piece or parcel of lands situated lying and being on the North side of the Middle River of Pictou abutted and for as follows Beginning at the North West corner of lands granted to George McDonald thence running along the Philadelphia line Eighty two Road twenty links to the convey of lands granted to William McDonald  thence running south seventy five east along said William McDonald line one hundred and ninety three Rood to a stake thence north twenty six east eighty one road to a stake thence north seventy five west along said George McDonald line to the Place of beginning Containing one hundred acres be the same more or less with all the wood water and water courses houses barns and building there on or thence to in any wise appertaining or belonging with all the right title property or demands of him the said Duncan Cameron which he now has or here after may have upon the above premises or any Part these of subject however to the same premises limitation rents and conditions as or containing in the original Grant thereof to Have and to Hold the lands and to remise by these Presents granted or intended to be granted to him the said Thomas McDonald his Heirs and assigns to their use forever.  And the said Duncan Cameron for himself his heirs and assigns Do bargain covenant and agree to and with the said Thomas McDonald his heirs and assigned in manner and from as follows that is to say that he the said Duncan Cameron full right and authority to sell grant and convey the said Premise in manner and form all the same as herein and hereby doth grant and conveyed and that he the said Thomas McDonald his heirs and assigns shall and at any time hereafter and at all times peacefully and quietly enter into have not and enjoy the above mentioned premised and every part thereof without mentioned or disturbances from or by any person or persons lawfully claiming the same or any part thereof and the said Duncan Cameron his heirs and assigns the same lands and premises above granted to the said Thomas McDonald his heirs and granted to the said Thomas McDonald his heirs and assigns the lawful claims of all and every person whatsoever whomsoever wife warrant and forever defend by these presents in writing whereof the said Duncan Cameron has hereunto where of the said Duncan Cameron has hereunto his hand and seal subscribed and set the day and year above written.

In the presence of Signed sealed and delivered in presence of

Peter Gordan

John Henderson


Pictou October the eleventh 1819 Received of Thomas McDonald the sum of sixty two Pounds Current money of their Province being the consideration money within mentioned in Presence of Duncan Foreman. 


File Location

vault 1b2

File number: 17D-1309C
Contributor:    Amelia English | View all submissions
Tags: Duncan Cameron, Thomas McDonald
Views: 512
Uploaded on: June 23, 2017

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