This indenture made the thirty first day of July in the year of our Lord one Thousand eight hundred and thirty eight Between Daniel Cameron of the East Branch of the East River of Pictou in the County of Pictou and Province of Nova Scotia farmer on the one part and Donald Cameron of said East Branch. East River of Pictou, county and Province aforesaid foreman of the other part. Whereas the said Daniel Cameron by his certain bond or Obligation duly executed and bearing everdate with these presents. Hands bound to the said Donald Cameron in the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds of lawful money of Nova Scotia with a condition thereunder written for a payment of the full and just sum of one hundred and fifty pounds of lawful money of the province aforesaid in manner and form following that is to say the said sum of one hundred and forty pounds where demands by him the said Donald Cameron send there the said obligation as by reference thereto will fully appear.
Now this indenture witness that in consideration of the said debt of one hundred and fifty pounds and for the better securing the payment of the same according to the said conditions and also in the further consideration of the sum of five shillings to him the said Donald Cameron by the said Daniel paid before the ensealing and delivery f these precedes the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged. He the said Donald Cameron have bargained sold, enfoffed and confined and by these presents Do bargain sell enfoff and confirm into the said Donald Cameron his heirs and assigns that certain tract or parcel of Land. Situate lying and being upon the East Brand of the East River aforesaid abutted and bounded of follows. Firs beginning at a Hath upon the margin of said East Branch said take to be forth Rods and at Right Angles from the lower bound of a certain John McQuarrie’s and running from the North forty five, degrees East, three hundred Rods or untold it comes to the South side line of a certain Duncan Cameron thence North twenty degrees East along said line, Eighty Rods or until it comes to the North West Angle of said McQuarrie’s land, thence south forty five degrees west along said McQuarrie’s lower side line three hundred and six Rods or untitled it comes to the Margins of said East Branch. Thence along the several courses of said East Branch dorm than until it comes to the first boundary and place of beginning, the whole whereof contains eighty one acres be the same more or less, together with all and singular the buildings appurtenances and improvements thereunto belonging TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the sum unto the said Donald Cameron his heirs and assigns forever provided always, nevertheless, and the presents are upon conditions and it and it is the true intent and meaning of the party thereto that of the said Daniel Cameron his heirs or assigns or some of them unto and shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid unto the said Donald Cameron the said some of one hundred and fifty pounds at the time when demands and in manner and form as the sum is forever to be paid in and by the obligation herein before reciter then these presents and the estate hereby conveyed shall become wholly sold. And that further the said premise hereby conveyed and every of them appurtenances shall and may at all times after default shall happen to be mad in the payment of said sum of money according to the conditions of the Bond aforesaid, Remaining Constance and to be and to the use of the said Donald Cameron his heirs and assigns to be by them enjoyed forever without trouble or eviction whatsoever of from or by any person or persons whomsoever
In witness whereof the party to these presents or persons whomsoever his hand and seal indenture and let the day and date before written.
Signed Sealed and Delivered in presence of us
Peter Rofs
Robert Grant
(signed) Daniel Cameron
Received on this day of the date of the foregoing indenture from the therein named Donald Cameron the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds Currently being the full consideration therein mentioned.
Peter Rofs
Robert Grant
vault 1b2
File number: | 17D-1308C |
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Tags: | Daniel Cameron, Donald Cameron, McQuarrie, East Branch |
Views: | 610 |
Uploaded on: | June 23, 2017 |