Description Supreme Court Judgement, 1846

In the Supreme Court 

October Term 1846

John Doe McIntosh & others

John Cameron

Docket of Judgement

Dated 29 Oct. 1846

Province of Nova Scotia} Registrars office Pictou 29th October 1846 I do certify that the within Instrument was registered at 2 o'clock P.M. of the above day in Liber 31 folio 433 on the certificate of James Skinner Deputy Prothonotary  pursuant to law

Peter Crerar Deputy Registrar [signature]

Wilkens attorney — Cause — John Doe Lessee of Donald McIntosh and others — Plaintiffs

John Cameron — Defendant

Costs £ 29 ·12 · 0    between the said John Doe Lessee of Donald McIntosh and others and the said John Cameron Retd Jury called impannelled and sworn witnessess sworn and interrogated Documents produced and lead in evidence.  Verdict that Defendant is Guilty Therefore it is considered that the said John Doe Lessee as aforesaid do recover against the said John Cameron his term yet to come of and in the premises in the Declaration of Ejectment mentioned and also the sum of Twenty nine pounds and twelve shillings for his costs of suit by him in this behalf expended.  And let the said John Cameron be taken etc. 

29 Oct. 1846

Given under my Hand and the Seal of the said Supreme Court, at Pictou, this twenty ninth day of October in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Forty Six.

James Skinner D.P. [signature and seal]

File Location

vault, 1b2

File number: 17D-11417M
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: proceedings, action, dispute, legal action, case, indictment, decision, verdict, judgment
Views: 596
Uploaded on: June 23, 2017

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