Robert M'Lean Janet M'Lean
John M'Kay
Province of Nova Scotia} Registrars Office Pictou 11th July 1845, I do certify that the within Instrument was Registered at 1 o'clock P.M. of the above day in Liber 30, Folio 437, on the certificate of Hugh H Ross, J.P. pursuant to Law.
Peter Crerar Deputy Registrar
This Indenture between Robert M'Lean of the West River County of Pictou, and Janet his wife for and in consideration of the sum of five pounds ten shillings lawful money of Nova Scotia the receipt whereof I hereby acknowledge, Have granted, bargained, sold, and enfeoffed, unto John M'Kay of the West River in the County aforesaid (mason) his Heirs, and Assigns a certain tract of land beginning at a Birch tree marked as the South corner of John M'Lean's farm lot and to run thence south five and a half ° West One hundred and fifty six rods, thence south fifty six west twelve rods thence North three and a half ° East one hundred and twenty two rods thence North thirteen and a half ° East thirty nine rods thence South forty five ° East twelve rods to the place of beginning containing Eleven acres, more or less with the appurtencences. To Have and To Hold the same to him the said John M'Kay (mason) his Heirs, and Assigns forever. Witness our Hand and Seals this Nineteeth day of July A.D. 1843
Signed, Sealed and delivered in presence of Alexander M'Kay, Alexander Brown [signatures]} Robert M'Lean [signature] Jannet M'Lean [signature]
Received the consideration sum of the foregoing deed
Witness Alexander M'Kay
I the subscriber one of her Majesty's Justices of the Peace in and for the County of Pictou, do certify that on this Nineteenth day of July A.D. 1843 Mrs. Janet M'Lean, wife of Robert M'Lean whose name is subscribed to the within Indenture personally came before me, and being by me examined separate and apart from her husband did acknowledge that she did freely & voluntarily & without compulsion sign and seal the foregoing Indenture and did therein & thereby remise, release & relinquish all Her rights of Dower which she had or could have in to & upon the lands mentioned in the foregoing Indenture.
Magistrate Ross J.P.
Alexander Mackay a subscribing witness to the foregoing Deed maketh oath and saith that he was present and saw the same duly executed
Sworn to before me at West River Pictou the 7th July AD. 1845} Alexander M'Kay [signature]
Magistrate Ross J.P.
vault, 1b2
File number: | 17D-11412M |
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Tags: | Robert MacLean, Janet MacLean, John MacKay, Alexander MacKay, land, sale, acreage, property, title, Janette MacLean |
Views: | 727 |
Uploaded on: | June 22, 2017 |