William Corbet & Wife To William Ives
Dated 10th Sept 1846
This indenture made the tenth day of September in the Year Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-six. Between William Corbet of Pictou in the County of Pictou Gentleman and Laurine his wife of the one part and William Ives of the same place merchant of the other part Witnsseth that in consideration of the sum of fifty pounds of lawful money of the Province of Nova Scotia to him the said William Corbet in hand paid by the said William Ives at or before the executors of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged they the said William Corbet and Laurine his wife Have and each of them hath granted bargained sold aliened remised and confirmed and by these presents Do and each of them doth grant bargain sell alien remise release enfeoff and confirm unto the said William Ives his heirs and assigns that contain lot piece or parcel of Land and Land covered with water situate lying and being in the front of the Town of Pictou aforesaid abutted bounded and described as follows. Beginning at or on the old east side line of the late Daniel Minners property running from water street into the Harbour at the South Corner of the red stone owned by the said William Ives, thence south twenty three degrees west along Minners said East side line/twenty six feet, thence south sixty seven degrees East twenty feet to the place of Beginning together with the privilege of a right of way from water street aforesaid to the property herein fore described and hereby conveyed together with the appurtenances to the said lot piece or parcel of land belonging or in anywise appertaining and the reversions and reminders they and all the lower thirds or right or title to lower or thirds of her the said Laurine Corbet his wife and all the right claim and interest which the said William Corbet or his heirs had have or may have in and to the same and very part thence. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said lot piece or parcel of Land and premise with the appurtenances together with the said rights of way and every part thereof unto him the said William Ives his heirs and aforesigns unto his and their only use benefit and behold for ever. And the said William Corbet for himself his heirs executors and administrators doth hereby covenant with the said William Ives his heirs as follows, that is to say that he the said William Corbet in lawfully resigned of an indefeasible estate of fee simply in the said lot piece or parcel of land and premise with the appurtenances and that the same and every part thereof together with the said rights of way he the said William Ives his heirs shall peaceably possess and enjoy without any but or eviction whatsoever.
In witness whereof the parties to these presents have hereunto the parties to these presents have hereunto their hands and seals subscribed and affixed the day and year first herein written.
William Corbet
Laurie Corbet
Received that day of the date of the foregoing Deed of indenture from the therein name of William Ives Fifty pounds of lawful money of the Province of Nova Scotia being the consideration money in full therein mentioned to be paid by him to me.
On this thirteenth day of October in the Year our lord one thousand eight hundred and forty six personally appeared before me the subscriber on of her magistys, justices of the peace for the county of Pictou her Laurine Corbet a party to the foregoing deed and wife of William Corbet who is also a party who being by me examined separate and apart from her said husband acknowledged that the same was by her executors freely and voluntarily and without force a compulsion from her said husband for the purpose therin containing.
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File number: | 17D-1305C |
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Tags: | William Corbet, William Ives, Laurine Corbet |
Views: | 604 |
Uploaded on: | June 22, 2017 |