Description Deed William. L. Anderson to George W. Johnstone

This indenture made this Nineteenth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty three.  Between William I. Anderson and George M. Johnstone both of Pictou surgeons of the one part. And William Scott of Fishers Grant in the county aforesaid Yeoman, of the other part. Whereas Thomas Mudie of Pictou aforesaid Watchmaker, being in the custody of the sheriff of the county of Pictou aforesaid under and by _____ of a unit of execution issued out of the supreme court at Pictou aforesaid for the sum of fifty four pounds eighteen shillings and one penny. Costs of defending a certain suit brought with said court by the said Thomas Mudie against the said William L. Anderson and George U. Johnstone, and the said Thomas Mudie having applied for his discharge from such custody under and by virtue of the laws relating to Insolvent Debtors and the commissioners before whom he was examined having directed him to assign all his right and title to a certain lot of land situated at the mouth of the Harbour of Pictou called the Beaches to the said William I Anderson and George U. Johnstone he the son of Thomas Mudie in consideration of the premises Did by a certain deed of assignment under his  hand and seal bearing date the eighteenth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty two grant bargain sell assign and released unto the said William I. Anderson and George M. Johnstone their heirs and assigns all the right title interest property claim and demand which he then had or might thereafter have in or to the said lot of land and appurtenances which said lot of land is described in the said assignment as follows, that is to say. Bounded on the North by the Harbour of Pictou, on the South and East by the Gulf of Saint Laurence and on the West by Boat Harbour Containing One Hundred and forty acres more or less as by the said assignment reference thereto being had will more filly appear. And whereas the said William I. Anderson and George U. Johnstone as assigns as an aforesaid having advertised for sale at Public Acuter at the Court House in Pictou, on the day of the date hereof , all eth estate right title interest property claim ad demand of the said Thomas Mudie of to and upon the said lot of land, and the sae, having been offered for sale at the time and place and in manner aforesaid and having been knocked down and sold to the said William Scott for the sum of ten pounds and ten shillings that being the highest bid for the same of the said sale.  Now therefore these presents witness that the said William L Anderson and George M. Johnstone as Assigns as aforesaid for an in consideration of the said sum of ten pounds and ten shilling of lawful money of Nova Scotia to them in hand paid b the said William Scott at or before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged in part payment of the said Bill of Costs and in part sales of action of the said execution thereof. Have granted bargained sold released enfolded assigned and conveyed and by these presents Do grant bargain sell enfeoff assigns and convey unto the said William Scott his heirs and assigns all the estate right to the interest property claim and demands o the said Thomas Mudie of unto and upon the said lot o Land and premises called the Beaches, here afore and with the said assignment mention and described with the appurtenances and all the estate right to the interest property claim and demand of them the said William L. Anderson and George M. Johnstone as assigns and aforesaid under and by virtue of the laws of this province made for the relief of ____ debtors.  To have and to hold the same unto him the said William Scott his heirs and assigns to his and their own absolute use benefit and behoof forever.

In witness whereas the said William L. Anderson and George M. Johnstone as Assigns as aforesaid have hereto their hands and seals subscribed and set the day and year first above written. 

Signed Sealed and Delivered in presence of Dan Dawson


Received on the day of the foregoing Deed from William Scott therein named the sum of Ten Pounds Ten Shillings the consideration therein mentioned to be paid by him to us.



Dan Duncan

File Location

vault 1b2

File number: 17D- 1101A
Contributor:    Amelia English | View all submissions
Tags: William Anderson, George Johnstone, Pictou, William Scott, Fishers Grant, Thomas Mudie, Dan Dawson
Views: 587
Uploaded on: June 21, 2017

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