Description Advice Note, ICR, February 1876



Pictou Station, 26 February 1876
M. J. R. McDonald

The undermentioned Goods, consigned to you, have arrived here this day. Please send for them as soon as possible, as they remain here at your risk and expense. 

NOTICE - No portion of a consignment of Goods will be delivered until the Freight on the whole is paid. 
See notice on the back of this note.}

....Station Master

No. of Way Bill


Marks and Description





Total to Pay


1 cork eware

1 case do

1 brl [flasswall?]

1 box pipes 1.67
New Glasgow 3 dozen [Prosing?] 0.25
paid P. Cavoll




The Railway will not, under any circumstances, be accountable for the loss or damage of goods that are not taken away immediately after advice of their arrival has been sent or posted.

Goods conveyed at a Special or Mileage rate, must be loaded and unloaded by the owner or his agents, and the Railway will not be responsible for any risk of stowage, loss, or damage however caused; NOR for any discrepancy in the delivery as to either quantity, number or weight, NOR for the condition of articles so carried, NOR for detention or delay in the conveyance or delivery of them, however caused.

Storage will be charged on all Goods remaining in the Stations over 48 hours after their arrival at the rate of 5 cents per barrel bilk, per month, and when stored no deduction will be made from this rate for Goods remaining in store for a less time than one month. 

Demurrage at the rate of Two Dollars per car, per day, will be charged on all Cars not unloaded within thirty six hours after arrival, exclusive of Sundays, provided the same are loaded with Goods liable to be unloaded by the owner or consignee; the Railway reserving the right to discharge the same at the expense of the owner or consignee at any time after the expiration of such 36 hours.

No claim whatever, for loss or damage will be allowed, unless notice in writing is given to the Station Agent before the Goods are removed.

No Goods will be delivered until all charges against them are paid, and the Railway will not be accountable for the correctness of any "back charges" on Goods, &c., by other Roads, Companies, Conveyances or Individuals. 

Barley, Bones in bulk, Chalk in bulk, Corn, Clay, Coals, Coke, Hay and Straw, Oats, Oysters, Potatoes, Rye, Gravel and Stones, Chains and Chain Cables, Pig and Scrap Iron, Lumber of all kinds, Tan Bark and Gypsum and Plaster in bulk, Ice, Rails and Railway chairs, ships' knees (iron) and all articles of a similar character, must be loaded and unloaded by the owner thereof, or at his expense, and double rates will be charged if the cars are overloaded. 

The Railway will have a lien on all Goods transported over the same, for the freight and charges thereon as well as for any balance which may be previously due for freight & c., by the owner or consignee; and the said Goods will be liable to be sold by Public Auction for the payment of charges thereon, and other balances which may be due. If the owner or owners or his or their agent shall not, within five days after the arrival of Goods at the place of destination, pay the freight and any other charges due thereon, and take possession of and remove such articles from the Railway premises, the Superintendent may sell or cause the same to be sold at Public Auction, after giving ten days public notice of such sale: and having deducted all charges due, with the expense of the sale, and all other incidental expenses, he shall pay the surplus, if any, to the owner on application.

Top wharfage at the customary rates will be charged on all Goods landed on the Railway Wharves, except in cases where the Goods are to be forwarded by this Railway, and are not delayed at the instance of the Owner, Consignor, or Consignee.

Cars laden with Lumber will not be allowed to stand over to give owners or consignees choice of positions at the receiving Stations when other berths are unoccupied.

Stations, being often obstructed by deposits of Lumber of various kinds, and the ordinary business of the Station being thereby incommoded; in such cases the obstruction will be removed, and the cost of such removal, in addition to yardage, at the rate of One Dollar per car load per day, will form a charge against the Lumber. Notice will be given to the owner or consignee that its removal is required before a certain time, and the charges will commence immediately on the expiration of such time. When the charges have accumulated, so as to amount to half the value of the Lumber, it will be sold at Public Auction, after giving ten days notice of such sale.

When Cars, liable to be laden or unladen by the Owner or Consignee of the Goods, having been once placed and for the convenience of the Owner, or at his request, are shifted to finish at another berth in the same Station Yard, a charge of One Dollar per car will be made for such service. 

A bushel of Oats, Salt, or Barley, shall be equal to 2151 cubic inches; a bushel of Potatoes or Turnips shall be equal to 2747 cubic inches. The quantity in car loads shall be ascertained upon the cars being laden by dividing the cubic inches in one bushel into the cubic contents in inches of the load. In case of dispute, the load, before bulk is broken, to be weighed upon the Railway Track Scales and the result divided by the mean weight of Five Bushels shall be considered conclusive"

File Location

Original Material Box # 3

File number: 77-105 021
Contributor:    Susan Parker | View all submissions
Tags: John R. McDonald, railway, Intercolonial Railway, freight, advice note, Pictou, ICR
Views: 791
Uploaded on: June 15, 2017

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