Description Dewar Cemetery Directions

Map and directions for the Dewar Cemetery in Meiklefield from Barry MacKenzie's Various Cemeteries of Pictou County: Mostly Eastern. The map shows the directional paths described below it off Sherbrook Road.

Directions read: 

"The cemetery is located in the woods of the road from MacPherson's Mills to Blue Mountain, on the road marked "Woodfield." A short distance, 0.7km, along this road is a road to the right, through a field. This road leads to Allison McCulloch's property. Approximately 0.5km along this road is a road to the right, take this. Approximately 0.4km along this road it swings to the left and proceeds up a hill. Just past this turn is a indent to the right, park here. If you walk into the woods in this indent you should see a stone fence on your right, if it is there, you are n the right path. About 200 feet from the road will be a boundry line intersection, walk to the right about 425 feet along this boundary and you should be in the centre of the cemetery."

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File number: 00L-169 p25
Contributor:    Susan Parker | View all submissions
Tags: cemetery, Dewar Cemetery, Meiklefield, Various Cemeteries of Pictou County, Barry MacKenzie
Views: 603
Uploaded on: June 13, 2017
Source: Barry MacKenzie

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