Description Norway House, Pictou

Interesting Facts About Norway House, Pictou, Nova Scotia, Former Residence of the Late Lord Strathcona

The Proposed Odd Fellows' Home As Indorsed by the Lodges of Pictou County

(view of Norway House - Looking north, with a glimpse of the harbour in the background)


One Hundered and Fifty acres of Land - One and one quarter miles of waterfront -  Three story stone house - slate roof, basement and attic - House contains sixteen rooms - Bath room on second floor - another room available for additional bath room on third floor - Hot water heating - Butler's pantry off dining room, with dumb waiter, also hot and cold water - Laundry and toilet in basement - Town of Pictou electric light: House has complete modern electric wiring, with fixtures and shaes.  Chandeliers and wall brackets in every room.  The wiring conforms to the latest Underwriters' regulations - Town of Pictou water, also two good wells on the property. Grates and mantels in nearly every room.  Main floor mantels are white marble - All window screens are copper - Four large barns and ice house.

(view of Norway House - The main driveway.  Harbour in the distance)

SITUATION IDEAL - The C.N.R. Trains pass within one hundred yards of House.  Arrangements can assuredly be made to have trains stop at Norway gate when necessary.  The house is ideally situated, commanding an unsurpassed panoramic view of Pictou, Pictou harbour, and the surrounding country.  

Property ideal for Odd Fellows' Field Day.  Grounds large and spacious for an annual event of this kind.  

Pictou is centrally located, easily accessible and less than a day's run from any part of the jurisdiction.  Served from the East by the Pictou-Stellarton Branch and the West by the Pictou-Oxford Junction Short Line.  Two trains daily to Sydney, two to Halifax, and two to New Brunswick points.  Same service to Pictou.

During the Summer months, daily boat to Charlottetown, P. E. Island, also to Magdalen Islands and Cape Breton ports.

(view of Norway House - South and East Entrances)

PICTOU TOWN HAS - GOOD HOSPITAL ACCOMODATION. First Presbyterian Church. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. St. James' Episcopal Church. Methodist Church. Stellar Maris R. C. Church.  Two public schools, serving East and West sections of town, with the historic Pictou Academy on high ground in centre of the town. 


DISTANCE FROM PRINCIPAL POINTS - Distance from Norway House to Eastern Star Lodge Room, 4,615 feet; from West End School 3,700 feet; from Methodist Church 3,700 feet; from First Presbyterian Church 4,140 feet; from St. Andrew's Church 5,340 feet; from St. James' (Episcopal) 5,400; from Post Office 5,145 feet; from C.N.R. Tracks 300 feet; from beach 375 feet.

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microfilm #19, #82

File number: PA04081922p2
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: Sir Edward Mortimer, Smith, historic homes, Pictou, mansion, stone, free stone, historic property, demolished, IOOF, Donald Smith, Haliburton Road
Views: 978
Uploaded on: June 5, 2017
Source: Pictou Advocate

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