Description Robert G Maclellan

Dr. Maclellan.

The gentlest of gentlemen yet firmest friend - And like the sun dispencing warming rays - Of gladness all his kindly, useful days - We he, from life's beginning to its end - In teaching, as in sports, did he transcend - The worthy ever won from him due praise - He gave true guidance in all upway ways - On him did no one e'er in vain depend - No wounding word from his lips ever fell - No helpful deed was left by him undone - But, halting verse can never fitly tell - The beauty of the course that he has run - Since ocean stirred sends waves to utmost shore - His influence shall spread for evermore.  M. West River Pictou, July 12, 1922.

PICTOU, July 12 - The death occured at his home in Pictou at eight o'clock this morning of Robert Maclellan, L.L.D., former principal of Pictou Academy and one of Canada's most distinguished educationists. Deceased has been in poor health for a considerable time and his death was not unexpected.  Nevertheless it came as a shock to his fellow citizens all of whom were his friends and sincere admirers.  It is announced tonight that the funeral will be at 2.30 Friday afternoon from Frist Presbyterian Church to Haliburton Cemetery, the services being conducted by Eastern Star Lodge, I. O. O. F., of which deceased was one of the oldest members.  Dr. Maclellan is survived by one son, Dr. Gordon Maclellan, of Lunenburg, and one daughter, Elinor, at home.  Two brothers also survive him, Edward Maclellan, L.L.D., District Superintendent of Postal Service, and James, who resides on the family homestead at West River. Dr. Maclellan's wife, formerly a Miss Fraser, died about a year and a half ago and his eldest son, Edward, was buried here only a few weeks since.

A Great Teacher.

Pictou County has been called the home of educators. It has given eight college presidents to Canada and scores of others have attained eminence in the educational world.  Not least among these ranks the man who passed away this morning.  In scholarship he stood high but his great work was as a teacher and in the influence he had on the thousands of students who passed through Pictou Academy while he was teacher there and particularly while he was principal.

Sketch of His Life

Born in 1849, the second son of the late John Maclellan, of Durham, Robert Maclellan received his early education at the grammar school at Durham and at Pictou Academy.  He entered Dalhousie University in 1870 and led his classes in mathematics and english and classics. In 1873 he took charge of the preparatory department of Pictou Academy and was appointed english and classical master in 1876.  From 1883 to 1889 he was inspector of schools for Pictou and Colchester Counties. In 1889 he was called to the principalship of Pictou Academy and occupied that position for thirty years, retiring in 1919.

Dalhousie Honored Him With LL.D.

In 1908 the Senate of Dalhousie University conferred on him the honorary degree of LL. D. In presenting him Dr. Murray, Dean of the Senate, said: "Pictou Academy has been singularly fortunate in having at its head a long line of men who have earned distinction both as teachers and leaders in the educational world and among these our distinguished Alumnus, Robert Maclellan holds a high and honorable place.  In recognition of the high character of his work as a teacher and of the eminent success of his Principalship, I ask you, Mr. President, in the name of the Senate of this University, to confer the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa on Robert Maclellan.

The Arnold of Pictou Academy.

For thirty years Dr. Maclellan directed the destinies of what is probably the greatest preparatory school in all Canada and during that time his influence was pre-eminent over school and scholars and fellow teachers. It is no exaggeration to say that he was to Pictou Academy what Arnold was to Ruby.  The impress of his manly character, his love of truth and scorn deceit he left on all who passed through his hands, and from all parts of the world mean have come back - some of them from positions of place and power - to thank him for what he did for them. In the cosy sitting room of the principal these many years you were liable to meet of an evening distinguished alumni of the Academy who had come back to spend some hours with him whom they respected and loved and to tell him of the influence his teaching and his example had had on them in the hardest years of their life's work. He had hundreds of letters of splendid and sincere tribute from his boys and he followed the careers of them all with the keenest interest.  It was the delight of these boys when they returned after years of absence to find that the principal recognized them instantly, could place the terms there were in the Academy, recall their standing in the classes and, with a twinkle in his eye, their various escapades. 

His Hold on His Boys.

In his younger days a great athlete and wonderful la crosse player the principal encouraged athletics among the students and the Academy was as famous for its athletic teams as for its scholarship. It was on every point of the boy's character that the principal had a hold and how strong and lasting was that hold and how fraught with influence for good scores and hundreds and even thousands can bear testimony.

A Full Life's Work.

A man who did a full life's work and the results of whose work will continue for years to come, went to his reward with the death of Robert Maclellan, L.L.D., for thirty years principal of Pictou Academy.

John A. Fisher

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microfilm #19, #82

File number: PA14071922p5
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: 2635DM1, 2635DM2, Martha Maria Fraser, Durham, Martha Maclellan
Views: 594
Uploaded on: June 5, 2017
Source: Pictou Advocate

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