Transcribbed as follows according to each page in the PDF document.
Outside, Page 1:
Alexander Brown Senior
Alexander Brown Junior
4th November 1854”
Inside, Page 2:
“This indenture made this fourth day of November in the year of Our Lord one thousand, eight hundred and fifty four between Alexander Brown senior of the West River of Pictou in the County of Pictou farmer of the one part and Alexander Brown of the West River of Pictou in the County of Pictou, farmer, of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Alexander Brown senior for and in consideration of the sum of five shillings of lawful money of Nova Scotia to him in hand paid at or before the ensealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is acknowledged as will as in consideration of the conditions hereinafter mentioned, Hathe granted, bargained, sold, released and confirmed and by these presents doth grant, bargain, sell, release and confirm unto the said Alexander Brown Junior his heirs and assigns forever a certain lot of land situate at West River aforesaid attributed and bounded as follows. Viz
Beginning at the shore of the West River aforesaid and at the south east angle of William Fraser’s land and to run from thence north eighteen degrees east five and one half rods thence north sixty eight degrees east eight rods thence north twenty three degrees east six rods, thence north seventy one degrees east nine rods thence north, sixty six degrees east twelve rods thence north fifty three degrees east ten rods thence north forty degrees west twenty five rods thence south eighty four degrees west twenty five rods thence north forty five degrees west along William Fraser’s east line two hundred rods to the Eight Mile Brook, thence the various courses of the Brook up stream until it comes to the south angle of a lot of land sold by the said Alexander Brown Senior to one Stillman Seppencote thence north thirty five degrees east thirty six rods to the old post road thence long said road southerly to the Eight Mile Brook aforesaid thence the various courses of the Brook up stream until it come to the north west corner of a lot of land deeded to John Brown by the said Alexander Brown Senior. Thence south forty five degrees east two hundred and eighty rods more or less to a stake and stones on the top of the bank of the West River aforesaid thence south fifty three degrees west nineteen rods thence south seventy two degrees east nineteen roods to the River aforesaid thence the various courses of the River up stream to the place of beginning to contain ninety five acres or the one half of the said Alexander Brown Senior farm lot at West River after deducting four acres for his sons George and Robert, together with all the buildings and improvements thereon, ways, waters, watercourses, woods, trees, and appurtenances to the said premises belonging to Have and to Hold the said premises hereby granted and sol unto him the said Alexander Brown Junior his Heirs and Assigns to his and their own proper benefit and behoof forever. And that he the said Alexander Brown junior his heirs and assigns shall and may at any time here after and at all times peaceably and quietly enter into, have, old, occupy, possess and enjoy the same and every part thereof without any let, hindrance, [anotirldion?], eviction or disturbance from or by any person or persons whomsoever claiming the same on any part thereof. And that the said Alexander Brown Junior and his heirs the said land and premises and every part thereof to the said Alexander Brown in”
Page 3:
“his heirs and assigns against the lawful claims and demands of all and every person and persons shall and will forever warrant and defend.
Provided always and it is the true intent and meaning of these presents and the parties thereto that if the said Alexander Brown his heirs executors and administrators shall not in every particular conform to all, and comply with all and singular the covenants and agreements hereinafter made and entered into by the said Alexander Brown Junior his heirs and assigns executors and administrators, then, and in such case these presents so far as they convey the said lands to him the said Alexander Brown Junior, are to be void and of no effect. And he the said Alexander Brown Senior shall and may immediately upon the violation or breach of any of the said covenants of him the said Alexander Brown Junior enter into and repossess the said lands and hold and enjoy the same as his own property. And all the right and title to the same of him the said Alexander Brown junior shall instantly cease. And be the said Alexander Brown Senior his Heirs and assigns. And he the said Alexander Brown Junior his heirs executors and administrators shall make up to the said Alexander Brown Senior all the loss, injury or damage which he may sustain or receive in consequence of the violation of any of the covenants of him the said Alexander Brown junior his heirs, executors or administrators. And the said Alexander Brown junior for himself his heirs and administrators doth covenant and agree with the said Alexander Brown Senior in manner and form following. That is to say the said Alexander Brown junior shall during the natural lifetime of the said Alexander Brown Senior and Jane Brown his wife or the longest liver of them allow them comfortable house accommodation and the use of the orchard at the west side of the house they now reside in keep for them two sheep and the half keeping of one cow yearly and every year without disease. And to provide and deliver to them yearly and every year during their natural lifetime or the longest liver of them seven bushels of wheat, one hundred and twelve pounds of oatmeal, six bushels of potatoes, six pounds of tea, twenty pounds of sugar, fifty pounds of beef, one and one half gallons of molasses, fourteen pounds of shelled barley, two pairs of shows, six pounds of tallow, three pounds of tobacco, one pound two shillings and six pence Nova Scotia currency in cash, and to bear the on half of the expense of keep them in [stones/stoves?] and feed and medical and other necessary attendance his brother John Brown bearing the other half.
And also the said Alexander Brown Junior to pay to his sister Margaret Brown the sum of seven pounds ten shillings”
Page four:
“Nova Scotia curacy in two yearly instalments, Viz three pounds fifteen shillings on or before the fourth of November eighteen hundred and fifty five and three pounds fifteen shillings on or before the fourth of November eighteen hundred and fifty six. If she the said Margaret Brown should become unable to work she is to receive the one half of her yearly maintenance from the said Alexander Brown Junior during her immobility. If she the said Margaret Brown chooses to leave her brother’s house or give up her claim upon him then and in that case the said Alexander Brown is to pay to the said Margaret Brown the sum of ten pounds currency in two yearly instalments commencing from the time of her giving up her claim on him for her maintenance. But as long as she chooses to remain in the house of the said Alexander Brown Junior and labour for him she is to be boarded and clothed by him. If the said Margaret Brown should survive her parents she is to have the use of the large room in the east end o the house which her parents now own.
In Witness whereof the party to these presents have hereunto subscribed and sit his hand and seal the day and year first before written.
Signed, Sealed and Delivered
in the presence of”
The remainder of the page is devoted to surveying notes, including work for a Mrs. Graham the 28th April 1869. The next page also has a survey note about a Daniel McLean.
Page Five:
Draft of what seems to be an indenture:
“This Indenture entered into between Simon Archibald, A. McLeod, and Norman Gunn overseers of Poor for District n°9 County of and there successors in office of the one part and William Sutherland, William’s son of the Six Mile Brook of Pictou of the other part. Witnesseth that the said William Sutherland doth of his own free will agree to take and keep _______ illegitimate child o Mary King [alis?] Mary Singer rom this date of this Indenture until she [arrived?] at the age of 18 years and during that term he the said William Sutherland so to furnish her with suitable clothing and comfortable lodging and give her such [anamount?] of English education as is common for the youth in the settlement where he resides to receive and it is understood that the said ________ will [some?] him the said William Sutherland faithfully until she is 18 years of age but he is not to exact unreasonable service of her and the aforesaid overseers S. A., A. McLeod, N.G. and hen successors in office will pay or cause to be paid to the said William Sutherland the sum of $38 one half within 1st year 1862 and the other half by $19 within the year of 1863. And for the due performance”
Part of the MacLeod Papers Collection containing the files of Ebenezer McLeod of West River, a Hector descendant and surveyor, and his son Daniel. The papers, which are from the 19th and 20th centuries, were saved by Ebenezer’s great-great-grandson Medford MacLeod, also of West River, NS.
MacLeod Papers Folder, Digital
File number: | MacLeod Papers 63 |
Contributor: |
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Tags: | MacLeod Papers, McLeod, MacLeod, deed, Alexander Brown, West River, Eight Mile Brook, William Fraser, Stillman Seppencote, Jane Brown, Margaret Brown, Daniel McLean, Graham, survey note, Simon Archibald, A. McLeod, Norman Gunn, Six Mile Brook, William Sutherland, Mary Singer, Mary King |
Views: | 681 |
Uploaded on: | May 26, 2017 |
Source: | MacLeod Papers Collection |