Description Draft Deed, Donald McLeod to A.B.


Donald McLeod


“This indenture made the __ day of ____ in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and forty two between Donald McLeod  of the West River in the Count of the town, farmer, of the one part and A.B. of the same place yeoman of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Donald McLeod as well for and in consideration of the sum of five shillings of lawful money of Nova Scotia to him in hand well and truly paid by the said A.B. the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledge as of the natural love and affection which he bears to the said A.B. Hath granted bargained sold aliened remised released enfeoffed and confirmed and by these presents Doth grant bargain sell alien remise release enfeoff and confirm unto the said A.B. his heirs and assigns all that the undivided moiety or half part (the whole into two equal parts to be considered as divided) of and in all that certain lot piece or parcel of Land situate lying and being (______to the end of the [desenfition?]______) the said described lot or parcel of land being part and parcel of certain lands held and occupied by the said Donald McLeod as tenant in common with his son Ebenezer McLeod the father of the said A.B. with all and singular the ways waters watercourses enforcements hereditaments privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining with the recession and reversions remainder and remainders rent issues and profits thereof and also all the estate right title property interest claim and demand of him the said Donald McLeod of in to and upon the same to Have and to Hold the said undivided moiety or half part (the whole into two equal parts to be considered as divided of and in all the said described lot piece or parcel of land) and premises with the appurtenances to him the said A.B. his heirs and assigns as tenant in common with the said Ebenezer McLeod to the use interest and behoof of him the said A.B. his heirs and assigns for ever, in as full and ample a manner as he the said Donald McLeod now is or by any ways or means can be entitled to the same. In Witness whereof the said parties to these presents have hereto their hands and seals inscribed and set the day and year first above written.

Signed, Sealed & Delivered
in the presence of”

Alternate Details

Part of the MacLeod Papers Collection containing the files of Ebenezer McLeod of West River, a Hector descendant and surveyor, and his son Daniel. The papers, which are from the 19th and 20th centuries, were saved by Ebenezer’s great-great-grandson Medford MacLeod, also of West River, NS.

File Location

MacLeod Papers Folder, Digital

File number: MacLeod Papers 61
Contributor:    Susan Parker | View all submissions
Tags: MacLeod Papers, McLeod, MacLeod, deed, Donald McLeod, West River, Ebenezer McLeod
Views: 550
Uploaded on: May 26, 2017
Source: MacLeod Papers Collection

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