William Matheson
A. Sutherland
Dated 14th April
A.D. 1840”
“This Indenture made the fourteenth day of April in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty between William Matheson of the West River of Pictou in the county of Pictou Esquire of the one part and Angus Sutherland of the Six Mile Brook in the county aforesaid Farmer of the other part. Witnesseth that the said William Matheson for and in consideration of the sum of eighty pound of lawful money of Nova Scotia to have paid by the said Angus Sutherland at or before the execution of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged. Hath granted bargained sold aliened remised released enfeoffed and confirmed and by these presents doth grant bargain sell alien remise release enfeoff and confirm unto the said Angus Sutherland his executors and administrators all the interest estate right ad title of the said William Matheson in to out of or upon a certain lot or parcel of Land situate lying and being at the Six Mile Brook aforesaid and is described as follows. Beginning at a fir tree on the East side of the Six Mile Brook aforesaid, thence west across said Six Mile Brook thirty rods to an old hemlock tree thence north thirty two rods to a hemlock tree on the bank of the Brook aforesaid, thence East across said Brook thirty rods to a birch tree; thence south thirsty two rods to the place of beginning containing six acres more or less, with all and singular the houses out houses barns stables mils mill gear way waters and water course rights privileges and appurtenances to the described lot or parcel of Land belonging or appertaining to Have and to Hold the said described lot or parcel of Land and premises with the appurtenances to the said Angus Sutherland his executors and administrators and to his and their only proper and absolute use benefit and behoof for eve and the said William Matheson or himself his heirs executors and administrators doth hereby covenant with the said Angus Sutherland his heirs executors administrators and assigns in manner and form following bizt. that he the said William Matheson his heirs executors and administrators the said lot piece or parcel of land and premises with the appurtenances to the said Angus Sutherland his heirs and assigns will warrant and for ever defend against the said William Matheson his heirs executors administrators and assigns and from all and every person and persons whomsoever claiming lawfully or to claim from by or render him or them or any or either of them.
In witness whereof the said parties have hereunto their hand and seals subscribed and set the day and year hereinbefore first written
Signed, Sealed and delivered }
In presence of }
William Bell William Matheson
William Matheson
Personally appear before me one of Her Majesty’s Justices of the Peace for the County of Pictou William Matheson one of the subscribing witnesses to the foregoing Deed who being duly sworn deposeth that he was present and witnessed the said Deed duly signed sealed and delivered.
Sworn to at West River of Pictou
this day of February 1853”
Part of the MacLeod Papers Collection containing the files of Ebenezer McLeod of West River, a Hector descendant and surveyor, and his son Daniel. The papers, which are from the 19th and 20th centuries, were saved by Ebenezer’s great-great-grandson Medford MacLeod, also of West River, NS.
MacLeod Papers Folder, Digital
File number: | MacLeod Papers 46 |
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Tags: | MacLeod Papers, McLeod, MacLeod, William Matheson, Angus Sutherland, deed, West River, Six Mile Brook, William Bell |
Views: | 705 |
Uploaded on: | May 26, 2017 |
Source: | MacLeod Papers Collection |