Description Widow McKay Note


Widow McKay”


“West River, Pictou    1859

Four and one half months after date for value received I promise to pay to David McLeod or order the sum of twenty one shillings and 5.

Ebenezer McLeod                                                                   Catherine X McKay widow”

Alternate Details

Part of the MacLeod Papers Collection containing the files of Ebenezer McLeod of West River, a Hector descendant and surveyor, and his son Daniel. The papers, which are from the 19th and 20th centuries, were saved by Ebenezer’s great-great-grandson Medford MacLeod, also of West River, NS.

File Location

MacLeod Papers Folder, Digital

File number: MacLeod Papers 44
Contributor:    Susan Parker | View all submissions
Tags: MacLeod Papers, McLeod, MacLeod, note, Widow McKay, Catherine McKay, West River, David McLeod, Ebenezer McLeod
Views: 664
Uploaded on: May 26, 2017
Source: MacLeod Papers Collection

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