Description Marriage for Daniel McLeod and Mary McLean with Earl of Mulgrave Seal

Letter addressed to Daniel McLeod and Mary McLean, the letter head is decorated with the seal of the Earl of Mulgrave’s desk, the then Lieutenant Governor and Commander in Chief in Nova Scotia. Letter reads as follows:


Whereas it has been signified unto me, that there is a purpose of Marriage between you the parties above named; and that being contracted to each other you desire that a Marriage between you be Solemnized without Publication of the Banns of Matrimony, but the Revered George Patterson the duly Ordained and Settled Minister of the Presbyterian Congregation of Christians at Greenhill, Pictou in this Province, under a License to him to be directed, to authorize him to solemnize such Marriage without Publication of Banns, according to the forms of the Church or Religious Persuasion to which the said Minister belongs. AND WHEREAS, for obtaining such License, it has been represented to me that no lawful impediment exists why you may not be lawfully married together, and that you are respectively of the full age of twenty-one years; or otherwise, that one or other of you, being under that age, has obtained the consent of your Parent or Parents, lawful Guardian or Guardians, respectively, to your Marriage. NOW THEREFORE, upon your application for the said License, I, confiding in the representations to me made at the time of obtaining the same, and having received sufficient security in that behalf, and being willing that your desire may obtain due effect, Do hereby, for lawful causes, grant this my License and Faculty, as well to you, the parties contracting, as also to the said Reverend George Patterson in this Province, under a License to him to be directed, to authorize him to solemnize such marriage without Publication of Banns, according to the forms of the Church or Religious Persuasion to which the said Minister belongs. AND WHEREAS, for obtaining such License, it has been represented to me that no lawful impediment exists why you may not be lawfully married together, and that you are respectively of the full age of twenty-one years; or otherwise, that one or other of you, being under that age, has obtained the consent of your Parent or Parents, lawful Guardian or Guardians, respectively, to your Marriage. NOW THEREFORE, upon your application for the said License, I, confiding in the representations to me made at the time of obtaining the same, and having received sufficient security in that behalf, and being willing that your desire may obtain due effect, Do hereby, for lawful causes, grant this my License and Faculty, as well to you, the parties contracting, as also to the said Reverend George Patterson the Minister of the Congregation above named, authorizing and requiring you and him the said Marriage to celebrate and solemnize openly, without publication of Banns, according to the Forms of the Church or Religious persuasion to which such Minister belongs; Provided always, that if, before or at the time of the solemnization of the said Marriage, there shall appear any just cause of lawful impediment to the said Marriage, or if the Representation to me made for obtaining this License be in any respect untrue, or there appear to have been any fraud suggested or truth suppressed with regard to obtaining the same, then, I inhibit you, the parties contracting and the Minister above named in particular, that you and he do not proceed to the celebration of said Marriage without first consulting me thereupon.

Given under my Hand and Seal at Arms, at Halifax,

 this seventh day of January 

     in the Twenty Third year of Her

Majesty’s Reign, A.D. 1860


William Keating
                        Deputy Secretary

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Part of the MacLeod Papers Collection containing the files of Ebenezer McLeod of West River, a Hector descendant and surveyor, and his son Daniel. The papers, which are from the 19th and 20th centuries, were saved by Ebenezer’s great-great-grandson Medford MacLeod, also of West River, NS.

File Location

MacLeod Papers Folder, Digital

File number: MacLeod Papers 34
Contributor:    Susan Parker | View all submissions
Tags: MacLeod Papers, McLeod, MacLeod, Daniel McLeod, Mary McLean, Earl of Mulgrave, marriage, letter, George Patterson, Rev. George Patterson, Greenhill
Views: 689
Uploaded on: May 26, 2017
Source: MacLeod Papers Collection

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