Description Last Will and Testament of Ebenezer McLeod


“Last Will and
Testament of
Ebenezer McLeod”


“This is the last Will and Testament of one Ebenezer McLeod senior of the West River of Pictou in the County of Pictou, Province of Nova Scotia, Dominion of Canada.

First I will that all my just debts funeral and testamentary expense be paid.

Secondly, I will devise, and bequeath to my wife Catherine during her natural life time all my personal property including everything moveable which I may own or possess at the time of my decease. And after the decease of my wife Catherine my clock, [sophan?], chairs, sleigh and [harness?] to be my son Daniel’s.

And my wagon, watch, bed and bedclothes to be my son Alexander’s.

My library to be equally divided to my sons Alexander, James, and Daniel.

I also will devise and bequeath to my wife Catherine all the farm or land owned by me at the time of my decease bounded and described as follows. Beginning on the west shore of the West River and at the south west corner of my son James McLeod’s farm lot thence southwest up stream of West River twenty rods thence north, forty five degrees west or parallel with said James McLeod west boundary line two hundred and fifty rods or until it comes to the old original road, leading from Pictou to Truro, thence easterly to said James McLeod’s west corner thence south forty five degrees east along said James McLeod’s west line two hundred and forty rods more or less to the place of beginning to contain, thirty five acres more or less ad also all that part of the house occupied and owned by me at the time of my decease and all the outhouses and barn. Her right of [Dowes?] in the land deeded by me to my son Daniel will secure her all the wood she may need, I wish it to be understood that it was in consequence of the [durings?] from some of my sons Daniel’s family of using my wife harshly if she should survive one which has caused one to put it as much out of their power to do so as I could.

But hoping that that my son Daniel will give her, as comforts, a maintenance as he possibly can in which case I have [as?] doubt she will Will all the land to him. I hope in no case it will go out of the family.

As the greater part of the house furniture was my wife’s property which she brought to my home at the time of our marriage. I Will that I be disposed of according to her desire as follows or any other way that she may think proper.

To her sister, Mary Killer, our mahogany veneered [Berevo?] one dry sink, one worktable, one set of [firevases?], three venetian window blinds, one feather bed pillows bolsters, bolsters and pillow cases, one pair of linen sheets, two counterpanes, two pair of blankets, one set of china, cups and saucers, one dozen china plates, one half silver teaspoons, one silver ladle and sugar tongues, one half german selves, teaspoons, butter knife and gravy dish, one sauce boat, two covered dishes, two ashets, one half dozen dining plates, one [tuream?], one copper kettle, two tea trays, one table cloth, and all my wearing apparel.

I will to her niece Charlotte Smith, one pair of silver, salt spoons, one sugar spoon, one looking glass, one pair of dessert spoons, one work box, one half dozen german silver, forks and all the [tiders?].

Also I will to Agness Archibald, daughter of the late Simon Archibald, Esq., West River four tables, one half dozen chairs, one tea tray, and one bedstead.

Lastly, I appoint and ordain David Clark senior Farmer of the West River of Pictou, Executor and my wife Catherine B. McLeod Executors of this my last will and testament.

In witness whereof I have hereto subscribed my name and set my seal this day of _____ in the year of Our Lord, one thousand, eight hundred, and seventy

Signed sealed and pronounced,
by one the said Ebenezer
McLeod as my last will
and testament the presence
of us who in his presence
and in the presence of each
other, have hereto subscribed
our names”

Alternate Details

Part of the MacLeod Papers Collection containing the files of Ebenezer McLeod of West River, a Hector descendant and surveyor, and his son Daniel. The papers, which are from the 19th and 20th centuries, were saved by Ebenezer’s great-great-grandson Medford MacLeod, also of West River, NS.

File Location

MacLeod Papers Folder, Digital

File number: MacLeod Papers 12
Contributor:    Susan Parker | View all submissions
Tags: MacLeod Papers, MacLeod, McLeod, Ebenezer McLeod, West River, will, Catherine McLeod, Catherine Archibald, Daniel McLeod, Alexander McLeod, James McLeod, Mary Killer, Charlotte Smith, Agnes Archibald, Simon Archibald, David Clark
Views: 731
Uploaded on: May 26, 2017
Source: MacLeod Papers Collection

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