Description Quit Claim, Isabella McKenzie to Hugh McKenzie

Quit Claim Deed, Isabel McKenzie to Hugh McKenzie – 1841

Registered at Registrars Office, Pictou 19 Aug 1847 Liber 32 Folio 127, on oath of John Nichol

To all to whom these presents shall come or be shewn  Isabel McKenzie of three Brooks Carriboo in the County of Pictou and Province of Nova Scotia Widow of the late Donald McKenzie Sends Greeting Whereas the said Donald McKenzie in his last illness and after the execution of his will made and published by him on the twenty third day of December in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and forty one requested and directed me the said Isabel McKenzie to quit claim and release to his Brother Hugh McKenzie forty acres of the lot of land devised by the aforesaid Will to me and his son Donald McKenzie Junior in the absent of the said Hugh McKenzie returning to this Province from which he was then absent And Whereas the said Hugh McKenzie hath returned to this Province and prays that the said wish and request of his late brother may be carried with effect And Whereas the said Isabel McKenzie is desirous of giving effect to the wishes and intentions of her late husband in so far as she is legally competent to do so

Now Know Ye and these presents Witness that for and in consideration of the natural love and affection which the said Isabel McKenzie bears to the said Hugh McKenzie and for and in consideration of the sum of Five shillings of lawful money of Nova Scotia to her in hand well and truly paid

Paid by the said Hugh McKenzie at or before the sealing and delivery of these presents the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged she the said Isabel McKenzie Hath revised released and forever quitted claim and by these presents Doth revise release and forever quit claim to the said Hugh McKenzie his Heirs and assigns all – property interest and demand in to or upon all that certain lot – or parcel of land situate lying and being at Carriboo aforesaid and described abutted and bounded as follows that is to say Beginning at the South Side of Carriboo Harbour at the North East corner of a lot of land belonging to one John Nicol and thence running South along the division line of the lands of the said John Nicol and the said Donald McKenzie deceased forty chains thence East forty Rods to the East side line of the land of the said Donald McKenzie deceased thence North forty chains more or less to the shore of Cariboo Harbour aforesaid thence Westwardly the courses of the said Harbour to the place of beginning to contain forty acres To Have and To Hold the said lot of land and premises and all the Rights and Privileges thereunto belonging to the said Hugh McKenzie his heirs and assigns to his and their – also – and proper use and uses forever

In Witness whereof I the


Said Isabel McKenzie have here unto my hand and seal subscribe and set this seventeenth day of August in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and forty seven

Signed Sealed and Delivered in presence of William McKay, John Nichol (his mark)

Isabella McKenzie (her mark)

File number: 2017-05-3
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: 1841, Caribou, Isabel McKenzie, Isabel M'Kenzie, Carriboo, Cariboo
Views: 774
Uploaded on: May 1, 2017

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