Description Harris and Bone

James Anderson Harris m. Janet Bone from Saltcoats, Scotland
Born, Died
I. Robert – born, -, died, married, children:
1. Margaret m. Hugh M’Leod. She lives at Bayview, Pictou, NS. Two sons married
2. John lives in ---, Providence, 3 sons, married
3. James m. went to Iowa, then to S. Dakota, thence to St. Cloud
4. Janet m. in Iowa to Taylor
5. Robert a shoemaker in San Francisco
6. Mary Ann m. in Iowa to --- Ward
7. George in San Francisco
8. Matthew, killed in a mine in San Francisco Tombstone, Arizona
9. Cassie m. Ward lives in Los Angeles, Cal
10. Daniel married lives in St. Clouds
II. James A m. Ann M’Kenzie. Live at Carriboo Island, Pictou County, died about two years ago. Children:
1. Janet died young
2. Christiana m. Henry Avery, living at Carriboo River. No children
3. Janet A, married and living on the old farm Carriboo Island. Has issue
4. Ann m. David Morrison, now dead, 3 boys and 1 girl living
5. Flora m. Davison, 4 girls
6. Janet m. Daniel Cameron, Carriboo. Has 4 boys and 4 girls
7. Martha m. Hugh McInnis. He is dead, she is living at Parrsborough, NS
III. Ann, married Wm Murdoch of a Scotch family. Lived in Pictou, children:
1. Jessie m. W. Sweeton, he is dead, she living at Woburn, Mass. Has 2 girls & 1 boy
2. David m. Margaret Munro. Living in Pictou, has 2 children.
3. James, M. -ass, living in Pictou. Has 3 girls and one boy, 2 girls married
4. Robert, a tanner. Living in Woburn. His wife is dead. Has 2 girls married.
5. George died in Woburn, so did his wife. 2 girls and 1 boy living.
6. William, died unmarried out West
7. John sailed away in a vessel which was never heard of
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8. Abram, living at Woburn. His wife dead. Has 1 boy and 1 girl
9. Mary Jane m. Justice Edward Johnson in Woburn where both are living. Have 4 girls and 1 boy.
IV. Margaret m. John Douglas – Dead. Issue:
1. John Robert, living in Providence. Has by first wife 1 boy and 1 girl, by his second wife 1 boy (dead) and 1 girl
2. James A. m. --- Douglass, both living at Maitland, NS. Have 5 daughters & 4 sons.
3. William m. --- Dicks. She is dead, he is living in Providence, m. second wife by whom he has 3 sons and 1 daughter
4. Alexander died unmarried
5. Janet m. George Sutherland, living in Providence. Has 3 boys and 1 girl
6. Daniel Peter m. --- Stewart living in Providence. Has 1 boy and 1 girl
V. Barbara m. John Fullerton, West River Road, Pictou, dead. Children:
1. Fergus, a sea captain, he and his wife died of yellow fever in the West Indies
2. Jessie m. D Gollan, she is dead leaving 3 girls, 2 of them married in Boston. He married again and living in --ts County, NB
3. John died of injuries received in the American war
4. Thomas, a doctor died in the United States. Left a widow and one boy. She married a telegraph operator stationed at Miquelon.
5. Daniel Fullerton died in W. Indie, unmarried
6. George died unmarried
7. Mary Jane m. Oliver Goodspeed, living in Somerville, Mass. Her family dead.
8. Robert m. --- Clark living at West River Road, Pictou. Has 6 children.
9. Caroline m. W. J. Clark*, West River. Has 4 boys and 3 girls.
10. Maggie m. Daniel Olding, Pine Tree Gut, Pictou County, NS. Has 2 boys and 2 girls.
11. Ada m. (1) R R McLean, had 2 girls and 1 boy (2) Edwin Archibald. Has 1 boy. Lives at Alma, Pictou County, NS
12. Abram P. In California unmarried
Besides 2 children who died young
VI. Janet m. John M’Kenzie is dead, children:
1. Ellen m. John Wallace, living in Providence. Has 3 girls and 4 boys.
2. Barbara m. James Wallace, living in Providence, 2 girls and 2 boys.
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3. Janet m. in Providence to Thomas Robinson, the artist, a grandson of Thomas Harris, Matthews son. She married again Hewitt, New Haven, U States
4. Elizabeth Ann m. Hugh Sutherland living at Carriboo, Pictou County, NS
5. Robertina m. James Clark living at Eureka, Pictou County, NS. Has 2 boys
6. John m. Flora Harris daughter of James, living on Carriboo Island
7. Isabella Ross m. John Lockhart. Living in Woonsocket. Has 1 son.
VII. Mary married, but she and her husband are dead without issue.
VIII. George P m. Martha Kitchen. He died a few months ago in California. She is living there. Her address 1015 B. Hide St., San Francisco, children:
1. Elizabeth m. Edward Harris, son of Thomas, son of Thomas, son of Dr. John. Has 1 boy and 2 girls.
2. Jane m. his brother James Harris. Has 3 boys and 2 girls.
3. Louisa m. Thomas M’Kay. Living in Benicia. Has 1 boy and 1 girl
4. Sarah Ann m. Rve. J P Gerroir, a Presbyterian Evangelist --- in Los Angeles Presbytery. Has 1 girl
5. James m. Lucy Murdoch living in California. Has 2 girls.
6. Robert m. --- M’Laren, living in California. Has 1 boy and 1 girl
7. Ella m. David M’Keand. Living in San Francisco. Has 2 boys.
8. George married but had no family. Died a few weeks ago in California.
9. Maud, unmarried lives with mother.
IX. Matthew, m. Margaret Fraser. Lives in Pictou town. Children living:
1. William m. --- Holmes living in Pictou. Has 3 boys.
2. Maggie m. James Albert Gray living in Halifax. Has 1 girl.
X. Elizabeth m. Henry Hadley, Mulgrave, NS. Children:
1. Robert m. Jessie Till. Has 1 son.
2. Mary m. --- Edgar. She is dead. Has 1 boy.
XI. William died young
XII. Thomas m. Lydia Moore. Lives in Pictou, NS. No children living.

File number: 207-02-19e
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: Minnesota, Rhode Island, California, Pictou, McKenzie, McLeod, McKeand, South Dakota, Massachusetts, Caribou Island, Caribou River, West River, Margaret Harris, Margaret McLeod, John Harris, James Harris, Janet Harris, Janet Taylor, Robert Harris, Mary Ann Harris, Mary Ann Ward, George Harris, Matthew Harris, Cassie Harris, Cassie Ward, Daniel Harris, Ann Harris, Ann McKenzie, Christiana Avery, Christiana Harris, James A Harris, Ann Harris, Ann Morrison, Flora Harris, Flora Davison, Martha Harris, Martha McInnis, Ann Murdoch, Jessie Murdoch, Jessie Sweeton, David Murdoch, Ann Harris, Margaret Murdoch, James Murdoch, Robert Murdoch, George Murdoch, William Murdoch, John Murdoch, Abram Murdoch, Mary Jane Murdoch, Mary Jane Johnson, Margaret Harris, Margaret Douglas, John Robert Douglass, James A Douglass, Douglas, William Douglass, Alexander Douglass, Janet Douglass, Janet Sutherland, Daniel Peter Douglass, Janet McKenzie, Ellen McKenzie, Ellen Wallace, Barbara McKenzie, Barbara Wallace, Janet Robinson, Connecticut, Elizabeth Ann McKenzie, Elizabeth Ann Sutherland, Robertina McKenzie, John McKenzie, Flora McKenzie, Isabella Ross McKenzie, Isabella Ross Lockhart, Mary Harris, Louisa Harris, Jane Harris, Elizabeth Harris, Sarah Ann Harris, Sarah Ann Gerroir, James Gerroir, Lucy Gerroir, Robert Gerroir, Ella Gerroir, Ella McKeand, George Gerroir, Maud Gerroir, Maggie Harris, Maggie Gray, Elizabeth Hadley, Robert Hadley, Mary Hadley, Mary Edgan, Mary Edger, William Hadley, Thomas Hadley, Lydia Hadley, Jane Bohn, Jane Bohn Harris, Janet Bohn Harris, Jane Bohn Harris
Views: 1247
Uploaded on: April 3, 2017
Source: George Patterson

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