Estate of Hugh Sutherland late of New Lairg, Farmer, deceased, Testate
Copy of Will for the Registrar of Deeds
In the name of God, Amen. I, Hugh Sutherland of New Lairg in the County of Pictou, and Province of Nova Scotia, Farmer, Being at present weak and infirm of Body, But of good sense and perfect mind and memory and considering the uncertainty of this life, Do hereby make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following, that is to say First and principally I earnestly recommend my Soul to God who gave it, and my Body I commit to the earth to be buried in such manner as my executors hereinafter mentioned shall think fit, and as touching such worldly estate and effects as God has been pleased to bless me with I Give, Devise and dispose the same in manner following to wit.
I give devise and bequeath to my beloved wife Jane Sutherland her heirs, executors, and administrators all property Real and personal which shall belong to me at the time of my decease, with the following exceptions only that is to say,
I Devise and Bequeath to each of my Children One Dollar good and lawful money of Nova Scotia to each of them, and
I do hereby nominate and appoint my esteemed Friends Robert McLeod and Daniel Sutherland both of New Lairg aforesaid, Yeoman, Joint Executors of this my last Will and testament. Hereby making null and void all Wills and testaments by me made heretofore, and do Declare this to be my last Will and testament, by which I further devise and Bequeath that the above named Executors of this my last Will and Testament shall be paid out of my said Property such fee and reward as shall be lawful for their trouble and intromissions.
In witness whereof I have hereto Set my Hand and Seal this thirtieth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight Hundred and Eighty eight.
Signed Hugh Sutherland L.S.
Signed Sealed Pronounced and delivered
In the presence of
Signed ---- George Sutherland
" ---- Daniel Sutherland
County of Pictou Sf
In the Court of Probate of Wills ie.
I do hereby certify that the foregoing instrument consisting of one page & part of a page, is an exact and literal copy of the last Will and Testament of Hugh Sutherland late of New Lairg, in the County of Pictou, Farmer, deceased, Testate, which has been duly filed and admitted to Probate in accordance with the practice of the Court.
Given under my hand at Pictou this fifth day of August A.D. 1890.
John H. Lane Registrar
To the Registrar of Deeds
for the County of Pictou
No Stamp
Province of Nova Scotia,
Registrar of Deeds Office, County of Pictou, 29th Sept 1890 I certify that the within instrument was duly registered at Noon of the above day in the Registry of Wills Book No. 2, pages 127 & 128 on the certificate of John H. Lane Rgr. of Probate.
John Ferguson Registrar
Vault - Registry of Deeds Shelf
File number: | 15W - 3459S |
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Tags: | Hugh Sutherland of New Lairg, Farmer, 1888, Jane Sutherland, Robert McLeod of New Lairg (Yeoman), Daniel Sutherland of New Lairg (Yeoman), George Sutherland, 1890 |
Views: | 753 |
Uploaded on: | March 16, 2017 |
Source: | Allan Slaunwhite |