Description William West Inquest 1859

Pictou August 1859

No. 20  Held an inquest 3rd & 4th August - Inquest bears date 4th August on view of the body of William West found drowned near the Burying Ground Point — Verdict (Do upon their oath say) That the said Wm West on the 27th day of July year aforesaid being in a certain Pilot Boat in the use and service of one Bryan Rogers, in returning from sea into Pictou Harbour accidentally fell out of said boat into the waters of said Harbour and was then and there suffocated and drowned and so the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do say that the said William West in manner and by means aforesaid accidentally casually and by misfortune came to his death, and not otherwise

Extra expense paid Mr Green for boat hire to bring corpse to Pictou £ 3 1½  

Paid Indian for bringing wood 1/9

File number: 2014-01-15-20
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: Harris, sheriff, 1959, West, drowned, accident, incident, Brian Rogers
Views: 596
Uploaded on: February 22, 2017

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