Description Donald McKenzie Inquest 1858

No. 14 Held and Inquest at Pictou Island the 24th May (1858) on the view of the body of Donald McKenzie

— Verdict —

That the said Donald McKenzie not being of sound mind memory and understanding and labouring under temporary derangement did on the 24th day of May in the year aforesaid at Pictou Island aforesaid in the County aforesaid one and of a certain peice of rope around a beam in the barn of the aforesaid Donald McKenzie situate at Pictou Island aforesaid in the County aforesaid and this then and thereof about his own neck did fix tie and fasten and therewith did then and there hung suffocate and strangle himself of which hanging suffocation and strangling he the said Donald McKenzie then and there died and so the Jurors aforesaid upon their oath aforesaid do say that the said Donald McKenzie not being of sound mind memory and understanding but being temporarily deranged in manner and by the means aforesaid did kill himself.

File number: 2014-01-75-14
Contributor:    Teresa MacKenzie | View all submissions
Tags: Harris, incident, sheriff, suicide, death, 1858, Pictou Island
Views: 709
Uploaded on: February 21, 2017

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